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Which Remote Monitoring Hardware?


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Yur ARC will have experience of each of the systems they support. They will also be the individuals viewing this footage remotely and acting / making judgement calls based upon the quality of images received.

For these reasons contact your ARC for advice as other have quite rightly mentioned above.

Personally I agree that a dedicated tx unit and a seperate DVR is the best option still ONLY because no single unit ticks both boxes.

You cannot deny the quality of adpro transmissions over some other very poor compression algorithms used in DVRs that transmit.




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Hello All,

Arfur, I appreciate you trying to save the company a few quid but unfortunately we were hit twice recently and now need to put in the motion detectors, the speakers and the transmission unit and get the premises monitored 24/7/365 by a professional remote video response centre. I appreciate you did not know this from my first post and that I may have been looking to remote monitor from home or security office etc. and I genuinely appreciate your suggestions.

As it turns out,

I have spoken to 3 different monitoring centres today and will be speaking to more tomorrow but so far adpro seems to be the most popular with heitel coming in second. 2 of the 3 that I spoke to are "putting in Geovision's monitoring software in the next week or 2". Untried and untested? Any views?

At the moment, I am leaning towards either the Adpro or the Heitel. I will speak to the other monitoring centres tomorrow but it looks like transmitting is best done (at the moment) by a dedicated transmission unit.

On the video recorder side, I am looking for your advice on the following 2 options.

Option 1. Add an 8 channel NVR

Which NVR would you recommend?

What are the best brands out there?

I'm looking for reliability, good storage, good quality, good reviewing and reporting functionality but mostly bullet proof reliabilty.

What else should I be looking for? Fast recording rate?

Can you suggest 3 or 4 good models for me to research, price and eventually purchase (through a local installer)

Option 2. Replace existing DVR with a Hybrid machine.

Same questions...

Which Hybrid would you recommend?

What are the best brands out there?

I'm looking for reliability, good storage, good quality, good reviewing and reporting functionality but mostly bullet proof reliabilty.

What else should I be looking for? Fast recording rate?

Can you suggest 3 or 4 good models for me to research, price and eventually purchase (through a local installer)

I guess I am looking for a quality piece of kit, mid-range, does the job, will handle MP cameras, etc.

That being said, there is no sense in buying the very best/latest technology if it will be surpassed again in 5 or 6 years.

Thanks for the advice.

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thanks for comming back and undestanding where i was trying to come from,

given you have had 3 intrussions your obviously trying to protect some very serious goods, so i'll bow out here, others with far more nowledge in this sphere can advise you far better.

to that end, with respect tp your own expertise their are many very good experienced engineers and companies in here, there are tricks of our trade which includes interfacing for the best results, that simply may not occure to those outside of it.

so in the spirit of getting the best advice and VFm, why not invite some of them to quote?

they can see 1st hand and advise you properly from a possition of fl knowledge, given your likely expendture that has to be prudent.

i do hope you get the help and advice you need, and i thankyou for your courtesy.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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