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I-On 16, 40 &160


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Hi all,went along to training the other day for the scantronic I-ON 16,40 etc. It was good and very informative the guys had no problem taking and answering question. If you get a chance to go along you will find it interesting. After all wireless systems are getting so popular now.


Wonder how these compare to the Honeywell stuff? We tend to use the G2 with a portal if we need wirefree/hybrid. We have some scanny with RFX receivers, always think the 714r pirs are a bit slow in pick up for my liking.


We had a demo of the 16 and 40 last week. A well thought out solution I would say. It's a shame that only the 40 upwards is a hybrid (wired, wireless) solution but the salesman told me that they are looking at releasing other versions to fill any gaps in the market place. One thing that looked interesting was the drop-down EOL resistor choices if you were doing a system takeover. Also, the web interface and smartphone friendly access look cleanly developed. Coming from an IP integration background, it's great to start seeing alarm system manufacturers dragging themselves into the 21 Century! Which reminds me that the I-ONs are BT 21CN ready too. They are comparatively pricey but if you've forgotten to set the alarm and can log in via your phone to arm it then maybe that's worth the extra cost alone?


How safe is this phone arming dis arming malarkey? Good idea in theory, but what happens if you lose your phone, or could the txt command or whatever be cloned etc?

if you've forgotten to set the alarm and can log in via your phone to arm it then maybe that's worth the extra cost alone?

in the world of ET or FE I can't see much point TBH

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God


most alarms are Final Exit or Exit Termiate, if you set the system by dailing into to it the exit process will not be completed

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God


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