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New Monitoring Install


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IMHO the risk is not worth the reward.

Avoid at any costs, there been no thought placed into this project otherwise the client would have a specification of what they want rather then a hand it out to an installer to do the unpaid work of a consultant.

It ain't going to get off the drawing board, motion alarms is going be a waste of space.

Equipment wise the consumer type stuff mention is not going to be man enough IMHO.

Anyway you can here for advice so in the spirt of that I'd say you'd need to partner with a UKBASED proper manufacturer with experience of proper big jobs. I'd say Tecton

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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If you intend to pass activations to the local authorities then you will need to ensure that the installations comply to BS8418, a basic guide to which can be found on the bsia website for installers.

The control room will also need to comply to BS8418 which entails as a minimum, the construction and facilities of the control rooom conforming to BS 5979 Cat II - This is no minor undertaking and will involve substantial planning and cost.

As per the posts above I also do not wish to put you off, however I also do not wish to see you waste any cash by not being aware of the requirements. While I cannot send you copies of the standards I can definitely reecommend purchasing a copy yourself to swot up on.

I'm not about to volunteer to do free consultation for you but I am happy to go over some of the basics to help you work out the best way forward based on the needs of the client, pm me your number and I can give you a call.




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Looks as if subbing out the work maybe the best way forward for all, I've just engaged a 'proper' consultant as I per norm and I suspect they may the same. Many thanks for your help its much appreciated. Can anyone recommend a 'Monitoring firm'? We've got approved installers just the monitoring.



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Looks as if subbing out the work maybe the best way forward for all, I've just engaged a 'proper' consultant as I per norm and I suspect they may the same. Many thanks for your help its much appreciated. Can anyone recommend a 'Monitoring firm'? We've got approved installers just the monitoring.



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