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Governments View On Cctv


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When the current government came to power they announced they would de-commission cctv all over the country but mainly in London as in their words they said it didn't work and was an infringement on our privacy. They also said it cost to much.

After the riots do you think they will chance their minds or even reverse and invest in cctv as they have managed to catch and prosecute loads chavs.

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I too believe that CCTV is in fact higly effective. Just at a guess i would imagine that alot of police leads steem from CCTV footage. With all the rioting going on it seems to be CCTV that is being shown to try and capture the little sods. Im sure fingerprinting all shops and debris isnt going to be cost effective.

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  • 3 months later...

I too dont think that cctv is wrong.

but static speed cameras should be removed and 24/7 average speed cameras should be installed inthere place.


Able Alarm Ltd

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A speed camera in a dangerous place is a good thing, but all too often they are placed to intentionally generate money, in some cases even causing a danger in their placement. one springs to mind, bottom end of m11, just before a406. It forces drivera from motorway speeds to 50 at the same time as 3 lanes merge into 2. Fine if you know it exists, but every now and then someone will anchor up in outside lane and cut across the middle lane at the same time. accident waiting to happen, daily.

average speed cameras remove all fun from the road. all are forced to drive at the speed of the car in front, even if he thinks 50 says 30. They promote inattention imo, more dangerous than badly positioned speed cams

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If average speed cameras were every were the only people to trubble with them are the ones that are a danger on the road.

If they dont speed then it doesnt generate money!


Able Alarm Ltd

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If average speed cameras were every were the only people to trubble with them are the ones that are a danger on the road.

I completely disagree, you can easily cause an accident at below the speed limit.

If average speed cameras were everywhere, a large proportion of people wouldn't be concentrating on the road while driving.

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If average speed cameras were every were the only people to trubble with them are the ones that are a danger on the road.

If they dont speed then it doesnt generate money!

its too simple to say those that have speeding convictions are dangerous,

the police + goverment like speed camera as,

1 crime

1 conviction via post (with points ect)

1 fine

1 one victem fee

proper crime is

many crimes

1 conviction

1 expenvise court case

1 legal aid fee

1 fine paid off at a one pound a week

maybe a spot of jail which will cost more than fellon will ever pay in taxes

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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