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Scantronic 9853 No Alarm Status On Activation Until Deactivated


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Hi everyone, I'm new here. I just noticed last week when a customers alarm went off in the middle of the night, that the Scantronic 9853 dosent show the activated zone until it is deactivated!

This is a problem for the client when he is working away, for the safety of his wife. If she knows someone has broken in upstairs and activated the landing PIR, then she doesn't want to deactivate the alarm, so if the burglar enters the bedroom, it will cause a full alarm, and the Master Blasters will be activated without her having to press a panic button.

I find it amazing that the 9940 keypads don't display this information on activation, which is really useful to know if the alarm is activated and the client is at home.

Can anyone tell me if there is a command to show this info. I have studied the Installer guide thoroughly, and cannot fond a setting?

Any help gratefully appreciated



I would suggest that what you are saying is quite correct.

I can't, off the top of my head, think of a panel that does or will do what you are asking, they are just not designed that way.

Someone told me I was ignorant and apathetic, I don't know what that means, nor do I care.


I can't, off the top of my head, think of a panel that does or will do what you are asking, they are just not designed that way.

There designed like this to meet the regs!

Information can't be displayed until a valid user code is entered.

You will probably not find a current panel that can do what you require.

  • 2 weeks later...

I would say if the alarm activates and some one is in bed, their first priority is not going to be where someone broke in, but where's my baseball bat or calling 999. I don't think this is anything of an issues and as stated the alarm is not allowed to show any information till a user code is entered for regulations.


There designed like this to meet the regs!

Information can't be displayed until a valid user code is entered.

You will probably not find a current panel that can do what you require.


Hey Ho, Lets Go


I would say if the alarm activates and some one is in bed, their first priority is not going to be where someone broke in, but where's my baseball bat or calling 999.

Agreed, they know where they are, potentially in the house.

There first priority is normally run down the stairs and switch the alarm off quick.


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