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If you want something different to whats off the shelf or different systems married up, there is a great of time & effort to make this happen, getting out early & "divorcing" your provider should be painful & expensive

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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im sure there have weighed up all the options..

That's the point, I don't think they have. I think it's a case of the new finance guy has looked at we are an alarm company, as are they. They spend x with us and swift (on the face of it) offer a deal much less. Job done. They haven't looked at the whole picture but when it all stops working (including all the lighting) and they have to hire people to do the jobs the system did then it will look different.

I'm not annoyed per say that we've lost it, I'm annoyed that they haven't compared like for like and are presuming we will let a competitor use our software. If I'm honest it's the let swift use our software bit that has annoyed me the most. In the last year we have done tons of additions, battery changes and other revenue generating things so in the next couple of years there will be little or no additional works to do.

What I'm not looking forward to us when all the doors stop working and all the lights go off and they will phone expecting us to do something to help that I'm not looking forward to.

the lower the r+m the more likely they will have to pay for call outs, nothing in life is free. Customers have choice at the outset of level of cover, again a calculated risk, their hand is not forced and it works with the vast majority, for those that it doesn't then they can change the level.

Agreed. I don't think adt are doing anything underhand with their low rmr option and get it back in call outs. As you say we all need to earn a living.

didn't say that was 'right'.

But then, we don't see them on here, or elsewhere, gloating.

With the amount of money that savvy business decision made them I don't think they have time for idle chit chat on here.


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thats a bold statement

Not saying its strictly true but have been told of stories of engineers putting spare zones on soak for a week to be called out over Xmas and put it down to a faulty PIR and "change" it.

Double bubble for the engineer and the customer is non the wiser ( don't understand how they wouldn't know as on a galaxy it confirmed zones on soak every time you set from the rkp)

I'm not having a dig at ADT I know lads who have worked for modern and eventually ADT for years on banks etc having seen ADTs work usually it's of a high standard but some of the apparent practises isn't right IMO.

Your Fire panel change was very good I was impressed and doubt I could have done a better job myself ( expect a different panel would have been used)

ADT lock out the UMS passwords on galaxy UDL and don't Default eng codes when they lose a contract.

I've taken over ADT jobs with no infomation onsite at all. - not saying it wasn't there originally and granted the customer could have lost the logbook and spec.

I'm sure non of us would want to make it to easy when we lost a contract.

Agree with Matt on his swift job tho . I don't think they have thought it through.

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not too dissimilar to 7k morphing into 17k then... lol I ignored that one.

That's not fair is it. We are providing them with 2 things. Traditional service plus software licenses. We have always charged for software licenses and its never hidden.


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Not saying its strictly true but have been told of stories of engineers putting spare zones on soak for a week to be called out over Xmas and put it down to a faulty PIR and "change" it.

Double bubble for the engineer and the customer is non the wiser ( don't understand how they wouldn't know as on a galaxy it confirmed zones on soak every time you set from the rkp)

I'm not having a dig at ADT I know lads who have worked for modern and eventually ADT for years on banks etc having seen ADTs work usually it's of a high standard but some of the apparent practises isn't right IMO.

Your Fire panel change was very good I was impressed and doubt I could have done a better job myself ( expect a different panel would have been used)

ADT lock out the UMS passwords on galaxy UDL and don't Default eng codes when they lose a contract.

I've taken over ADT jobs with no infomation onsite at all. - not saying it wasn't there originally and granted the customer could have lost the logbook and spec.

I'm sure non of us would want to make it to easy when we lost a contract.

Agree with Matt on his swift job tho . I don't think they have thought it through.

There is a requirement in the rules for the loosing co to change the codes if requested. (Charging is allowed though) with regards swift I don't think anything malicious. He's just walked in seen kit and offered a price. He doesn't realise what they had was bespoke software, not just a galaxy etc


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There is a requirement in the rules for the loosing co to change the codes if requested. (Charging is allowed though) with regards swift I don't think anything malicious. He's just walked in seen kit and offered a price. He doesn't realise what they had was bespoke software, not just a galaxy etc

We only ever lost one quote to swift, and I was set to make next to nothing in first 5 years. I was told they were half our cost!!!!


Could it be that the surveyors are just muppets or they have another "plan" to get the revenue. It has to be one of the two.

I would love to tap into the phone call between that surveyor at your school Matt, and the first swift engineer on site lol.

30 years of experience, ssaib approved family business.

We have a very long list of clients that we are very proud chose to use us. We have never bought out any other company or forced anyone to use us. All of our customers are free to leave us whenever they wish, yet very few ever have. This is down to the fact that we always put our best into every job.


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