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References to sample wiring pictures

Guest Blaze

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Mains is grommeted, and is cunningly hidden under the other cables!

This is a cctv system and therefore did not have to comply , but we get about 7.5hours standby! There is very little current drawn off the board....

This has been inspected by the nsi and got an A!

:D James

All of the detectors are run off their own psu's as they are redwalls on towers


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Dave, how do you get the images to thumbnail like that?

cheers James


Communication is "A question asked, and an Opinion given." I offer mine to help you with yours.

Statements I make are my personal views only at the time they are posted, if I offend you sorry, must be taken in context and do not neccesarily represent those of my employer.

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You needed to ATTACH them to the post, that way this site hosts them and creates thumbnails of the image to aid page loads.

As you can see, clicking on the image will show the image in all its glory...:)


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Thsi one was a bit complicated as it is Redwalls, psu's, DS2, Adpro Fastvu etc

We put it all in a cabinet now, and build it in the office!

They are much neater now! I'll prob post the piccies of the new one I am building at the moment!

This site took about 40hrs to wire panel, interconnects, ds2 and adpro! The worst bit was soldering the plugs on the 25w d's, my fingers still hurt thinking about it!



Communication is "A question asked, and an Opinion given." I offer mine to help you with yours.

Statements I make are my personal views only at the time they are posted, if I offend you sorry, must be taken in context and do not neccesarily represent those of my employer.

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cheers dave, I know now!


Communication is "A question asked, and an Opinion given." I offer mine to help you with yours.

Statements I make are my personal views only at the time they are posted, if I offend you sorry, must be taken in context and do not neccesarily represent those of my employer.

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If no one objects, I`d like to be able to use any images on the main site, just as examples.

Please supply as much information as possible regarding your panel pictures.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Hi Dave,

Feel free to use my images, just to save confusion could you make reference to them as being part of a cctv system, hence no need to comply with 4737! I know it has to now with the onset of 8418 but there was a time.....

This site has 17 Redwall detectors, each individually powered by 12v mini psu, 11 dennard domes, 1 static, covers about 70 acres, 7.5 miles of cable... the setting/unsetting is controlled by a timeswitch and/or by max reader.

The paperwork is about 3 inches thick! There is local and remote audio warnings. The control equipment is a Galaxy 500, 2 max readers, 1 prox keypad. The system is based around a DS2 with video transmission over Adpro, ISDN and IP, to a remote video receiving centre. The system is estimated to have saved over £50k in losses, reduced Health and Safety incidences and has improved productivity. Since the commissioning of the system there have been no intrusion attempts during the times it is set!

I can send you images of cabinet based systems if you like? I'm building one with a galaxy 60, psu, Digi Sprite, Videojet, router, alarm module etc if thats of interest? all marked up for dunce engineers so they cant ring me up and say they dont understand it!!!



Communication is "A question asked, and an Opinion given." I offer mine to help you with yours.

Statements I make are my personal views only at the time they are posted, if I offend you sorry, must be taken in context and do not neccesarily represent those of my employer.

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sure if you want use the pic its yours :)

for reference the panel was a convert from an old 3-wire system and installed by a large uk company,

by the way the fault was a defectice callpoint..and it did take ages to find


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