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System Take Overs - Replacing Equipment

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must be making at least £600 a week but it beets the minimum wage:


Keeps all the cheapskates from asking me to install their ebay toot. I had one of those today I quoted £4k for a Paxton easy nano access control system, they purchased some Chinese toot on ebay for £800 then phoned and asked me if we could install it. I politely declined and wished them good luck (There is always an outside chance that they will discover the **** they have purchased is exactly that and get me back to fit some proper kit) I did chuckle to myself when I looked at it online SQL is not always easy with branded products let alone stuff with instructions in chinglish

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A few weeks ago we quoted a 4 cam system for a bungalow..... Was a no no as customer had bought of e bay.

Today we replaced the system and he was a happy chappie.

He even let me take the tat we took down away so I'm going to install it at the work to show potential customers when I dial in what they can have.

The thing was the tat he installed, if you were wearing blue it came up as bright pink from the camera..... His words were " it looks like I have a gay pride march every day when I look at the cameras"


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Keeps all the cheapskates from asking me to install their ebay toot. I had one of those today I quoted £4k for a Paxton easy nano access control system, they purchased some Chinese toot on ebay for £800 then phoned and asked me if we could install it. I politely declined and wished them good luck (There is always an outside chance that they will discover the **** they have purchased is exactly that and get me back to fit some proper kit) I did chuckle to myself when I looked at it online SQL is not always easy with branded products let alone stuff with instructions in chinglish

Problem here is not to assume that everthing from China is TAT. Im buying more and more from abroad. In fact only today i received notification of shipping of £700 of kit. Even IF half of it ws faulty and i only sell 15% of the balance i will be quids in against my uk supplier who coincidently has their kit made in China. My HTC phones all come from China and end of day its still a branded phone for a fraction of the UK price. Im using readers from China on UK sourced kit and i dont think i will stop here. Tracking and IP product comming from Czech. We are all now part of a global market

£800! did it come in an entire container?


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I have an idea he purchased it from a uk seller. I looked at the software it a bit like that **** software that comes with those chinese pico cards.

I know not everything from china is **** Jeff it just seems to be everything I buy from China that is

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Im on premium number with texecom, whats the normal landline number, not the 0845?

Ive been phoning a 500 number.

Ive been thinking of getting some chinese cameras, no doubt we are all getting emailed on a daily basis from ching chong

I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.

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Im on premium number with texecom, whats the normal landline number, not the 0845?

Ive been phoning a 500 number.

Ive been thinking of getting some chinese cameras, no doubt we are all getting emailed on a daily basis from ching chong

I purchased a big pile of toot some time back,I dont think I even got close to getting my money back let alone make a profit. I think Korea is where the quality toot is

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This is why Norbain etc are loosing money as the must make some Mark up on the ****ty vista stuff they sell.

I put up a vista powerdome v a system q nightdevil dome..... System q dome won hands down on picture quality and there was £400 in price difference. Another 3 have been installed on sites that have bad weather and all is fine at the moment.


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Chinese kit is like the UK with Bentley and Rover. One can be brilliant, the other can be pants. The only problem I could see with sourcing stuff from overseas would be warranty and support. But if it's cheap enough to just straight swap then why not.

I would agree that Korea is where the quality "non brands" come from. I have a 27" IPS LED computer monitor that is exactly the same panel as the Apple cinema display, just in a different and cheaper bezel. Same product but without Apples ludicrous markup. Can't fault it really.

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My HTC phones all come from China and end of day its still a branded phone for a fraction of the UK price.

You don't say, as guess I reckon China closer to Taiwan than Bury.....

I also the average chink in china pays the same rate of tax that Jimmy Carr did on his earning as reckon they don't have chav's & aslyum seeks leeching of the state ?

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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