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Big Brother Watch


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I used to read the daily sport . I did like the Daily Express for it's coverage of the English footy because it's hard to get up here. Tabloids are all the same. The sun bashes labour, the star bashes the sun, the daily mail hasn't printed a paper that didn't include a piece on illegal immigrants or princess diana in the last 10 years.

In short, newspapers are only good for wrapping fish and chips :)

Ahh sod it was going to cut paste and add to your "points" but as you`re a tit looker and cartoon reader was not worth it.

Nothing wrong with TITS, as some of you voted them in.

Diana was a yuppie come lucky cow who has at least one child worthy of being King.

Why are ypu seemingly adverse to the reporting and or deportation of illeagles ?

They are taking your job away and housing, your childrens prospects and refuse to abide by our laws.

Either wake up or grow up.

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To be fair if I was a teacher these days I would want a camera everywhere bar the changing rooms and staff rooms. All it takes is one false accusation from a little scrote to cause serious stress/damage. We all know what rumors are like but at least you have the always impartial dome. Likewise from the other end of the scale.

My general view of people that get their knickers in a twist over CCTV think that there is someone sitting there staring at a screen 24/7. Bar the police feeds and maybe one or two high end installs I don't think I've ever seen anywhere else constantly monitor the feeds. No one cares. It's all about incident recovery IMHO. Rather than keeping an eye on how many times Mrs Droopytits takes a sip from the vodka bottle in her handbag.

haha yeah I'm not sure how my school worked with the CCTV, I highly doubt anyone was watching it. It defiantly recorded at night though. One of the teachers got locked in the new block, played the footage to us in class...

One minute he's sitting at his desk, the next he gets up to leave, suddenly the room fills full of smoke, he's trying to get out and eventually leaves via one of the escape windows in the toilets. (not that there was CCTV in there, you just see him go in). Had to explain himself to the police, was quite a funny story :roflmao:

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haha yeah I'm not sure how my school worked with the CCTV, I highly doubt anyone was watching it. It defiantly recorded at night though. One of the teachers got locked in the new block, played the footage to us in class...

One minute he's sitting at his desk, the next he gets up to leave, suddenly the room fills full of smoke, he's trying to get out and eventually leaves via one of the escape windows in the toilets. (not that there was CCTV in there, you just see him go in). Had to explain himself to the police, was quite a funny story :roflmao:

LOL smoke cloaked.

Always remember my first service.

Had fitted a few but was not aware this one was fitted ( Well hidden). Anyways, started the PMV and got to bell test (TS900) and then all hell let loose. Did I mention a Master Blaster too?

the shop owner ( Shop being by Harrods) went mad when he could see and hear me!!

Screaming about all the blokes do this you *******,

Tried to explain but to no avail, sorted the PMV and printed labels everywhere to warn others ( not in public places obviusly.

To any others, a little label printer (Self purchased) is a great tool. And if your lucky can get either the company to pay or claim it on tax.

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My opinion is it's a useful tool everywhere but especially in schools.

The problem is people have a general dislike to being monitored.

They feel like there untrusted. This report is vary one sided IMO.

We (mates and I) found a pinhole camera (9V PP3 type) in the false ceiling of are toilets at secondary school.

There was a problem with smoking and damage to sinks urinals in this block.

It wasn't positioned over cubicles or anything, IIRC.

TBH I wasn't bothered but it magically disappeared the day after.

Still never found out if the school had put it there, I always assumed so.

The school has since fitted IP cameras throughout it's corridors and classrooms.

Always remember my first service.... Had fitted a few but was not aware this one was fitted

Yep ever since one of are lads set Smartwater off in a jewellers and covered customers in the stuff.

Master Blasters/Smartwater/Smoke Cloaks are marked on the paperwork notes, panel lids and under the keypad flaps.

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I turfed out an office block above jessops in brighton once when testing the smoke machine - no warning the fire panel was linked to the communal system for the whole office block above the shop! i thought it has started to rain but it was the sound of loads and loads of people using a metal fire escape at the rear.

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Those statistics again......

They have flawed figures specified. Take for example:

Total number of cameras used by 2,107 schools


Number of cameras inside 2,107 school buildings


They then say:

The average number of cameras inside schools to pupils based on 47,806 cameras and 1,809,814 pupils


It should in fact be 26,887 interior cams split over the count of students returning 1:67 - A lot more than quoted.

Number of Local Authorities with double the average (27) number of CCTV cameras in England


A junk figure - LAs report this figure in different ways still with some authorities (Like my own in Leicester) including speed cameras / Public building cameras not just 'Street based' cameras.

Number of schools with a ratio of 1 camera to 15 pupils or higher in England


Or...in other words 2.5% a small fraction of schools and likely the ones where the risk is appropriate for that level of coverage

The estimated number of CCTV cameras in Secondary schools and Academies in England, Scotland and Wales


I bet that they were pleased as punch that the figure was more than 99,999 and will be quoting "a six figure number of cameras" for many years to come.

I'm with Peter on this. I am all for the transparency of information, but when it is misused, leading or incorrect and then not challenged, I feel the media will just jump on misinformatiom and shout loudly about it.



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Bizzarely local newspaper reports on two Brighton schools with CCTV in the W.C's guess who's the installer. Now I am wondering if I should put my side and get some free publicity, or will that piss my customers off.

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