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Should I Get It Connected Up To An Arc?


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Gents for my imminent enforcer installation is it worth getting it hooked up to an ARC? What questions should i be asking myself? its basically about 300-500 per annum depending on whether i get the gsm and bt line together or just the bt line.

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Its all about risk, do you have theft attractive stock or property, Are you a collector? Are you known for collecting? What type of area do you live in are your neighbors regularly burgled? How good is the physical security? Is the property surrounded by other properties? Can you approach the proerty from all sides. Are the nieghbors in day and night?

Most of the above will also dictate the type of burglar you will get, and if they are likely to cut your phone line etc

I am not asking you to answer any of those questions here, just ask yourself the questions, the answers will help you decide if you need and what type of monitoring you need

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Gents for my imminent enforcer installation is it worth getting it hooked up to an ARC? What questions should i be asking myself? its basically about 300-500 per annum depending on whether i get the gsm and bt line together or just the bt line.

An alarm that makes a noise is as good as any car alarm IMO. Only the car owner cares. We won't fit any alarms unless they are monitored. Q answered :)


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You need someone to respond, if you have a neighbour who is in 24/7 and will respond then dandy. If they are out then what.... Audible only used to work, ie siren caused a response and made them run. That isn't the case anymore

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assuming the alarm sounds following a positive alarm condition what is the delay for the signal to be made from the panel to the arc? ie how much time do the scrotes have between setting off the alarm and the arc being notified?

if someone was serious i expect theyd want to knock the line out from outside but assuming they dont and they do it once inside... the should be able to see the cable running out of the bt point in the hallway as im not sure it will be easy to disguise...

also, are there any data about response times for each ARC? id like to know whether on average for each confirmed alarm whether it takes the boys in blue 2 or 20 minutes to get to the house

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assuming the alarm sounds following a positive alarm condition what is the delay for the signal to be made from the panel to the arc? ie how much time do the scrotes have between setting off the alarm and the arc being notified?

if someone was serious i expect theyd want to knock the line out from outside but assuming they dont and they do it once inside... the should be able to see the cable running out of the bt point in the hallway as im not sure it will be easy to disguise...

also, are there any data about response times for each ARC? id like to know whether on average for each confirmed alarm whether it takes the boys in blue 2 or 20 minutes to get to the house

my provider will have an alarm into their handling queue within moments of the activation, however there is an abort timer at their end, then it goes up the queue & the keyholders start getting contacted, confirmed alarms are assigned a higher priority

times are dependent on the loadings a few minutes on low loading to a very long time when the country was having a spot of rioting.

police is the same deal, minutes to not at all

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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I bet your crying all the way to the bank.

over the last 2 months the last 4 intruder installs have been at a minium digi, with URN, in excess of £1.5K and worth at least £225 per year. it would take us 12 - 14 bells only jobs to make the same return.

we've had some great customer opportunities come up and we're taking some on and chasing others.

the above has only been possible because i'm not runing around chasing £500 bells only installs. it's horrible turning them away on the phone but i'm finding i have more time to chase the serious stuff.

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