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How To Connect Cctv (Dvr) Camera To Pc ?


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I am quit new in CCTV world. I got my first CCTV camera kit which is called 'GET Professional Colour Twin CCTV Safety Camera System' link for details - http://www.brooklyntrading.co.uk/p-1981-get-professional-colour-twin-cctv-safety-camera-system.aspx

what kind of options do I have - http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/4417/cctvt.jpg

My question is - how could I connect that cameras to PC ? I know the fact all video files are recording in DVR and to view all recorded video files I have to use SCART cable via TV. Is there any chance to connect that two cameras to computer ( to see what's happening outside) and perhaps if it is possible save all video files to pc hard drive to watch later?

thanks indeed,


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And that kids, is how you do sarcasm.

Originally said by Charles Babbage
On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.

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fivestar / nexlar.

Please stop posting drivel. Also you have 2 accounts and i dont see any valid reason for this. 


Either post correctly or i will mark both accounts as spam.



securitywarehouse Security Supplies from Security Warehouse

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£34.99 & they don't have a built in web server, what a bunch of robbing GET's



Trade descriptions with it having the word 'professional' in it! We get questions like this all the time. How much for a 8 way DVR with cameras. When you mention that it's above £100 the usual response is but i can get it on ebay for . . . .



One of the reasons we do so little CCTV outside 8418.


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