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Security Twenty 13 - Birmingham 26Th/27Th March

Joe Harris

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I lost interest in going to Ifsec. What is it that puts everyone off? For me it's same old same old. It seems more a social gathering to have a meet up with friends rather than a education experience. Be interesting to hear Adrian's view on what they get out it as an exhibitor.


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Us at his stand looking for free beer :D

Same old for me, went last yr, or was it yr before. Either way apart from meeting some friends  and putting names to faces nothing much changes IMO.

Ran a stand there even more years back when it was a bit of fun.

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I lost interest in going to Ifsec. What is it that puts everyone off? For me it's same old same old. It seems more a social gathering to have a meet up with friends rather than a education experience. Be interesting to hear Adrian's view on what they get out it as an exhibitor.

Manufacturers all say they get loads of business out of it and that it is worth every penny of their investment.

That's the public version. Reality is somewhat different.


Only those launching a new, must have product that as had preceding publicity are the ones who really benefit from it.


The rest? they fall into the 'me too' camp. Work on the basis that if xyz Ltd are there, we have to be too.

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The lack of innovation is also frustrating. You visit the usual suspects and they have nothing new. Last time I went to Ifsec Honeywell were making a song and dance about flex which is a gd with features turned off. Hardly a breakthrough. Webway had imaging which was nice to see. For a signalling manufacture that was something different. UTC was dire, showcasing products that were out 3 years ago.

The number if cameras is overwhelming and I don't know if its just me, but really I'm not that interested. In a generic sense cameras are just cameras. There isn't an earth shattering difference between them and 5 billion people trying to sell them to me.

But there must me a point to Ifsec. Surely manufacturers wouldn't spend so much on it if it did nothing for them?

Manufacturers all say they get loads of business out of it and that it is worth every penny of their investment.

That's the public version. Reality is somewhat different.


Only those launching a new, must have product that as had preceding publicity are the ones who really benefit from it.


The rest? they fall into the 'me too' camp. Work on the basis that if xyz Ltd are there, we have to be too.

So it's just keeping up with the jones. Must admit was surprised when Redcare pulled out for that reason. Texecom would be a good example. What is the chance of someone (who has lived in a cave for 10 years) stumbling across them, not know who they are and see premier for the first time and think its so amazing and buy enough to pay for the zillions of pounds for the stand, staff and accommodation etc

Didn't think so.


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