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Help Please With Risco Gt601 Panel & Iwise 815Dtg3 Pir Sensors


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You sure that is the same panel? Cable entries differ.

Unless it is a b4 and after.

And the Tamper EOLs look wrong even with my glasses on.

But as said unless you put it all back as it was with detectors on same routes ect you need to get someone in.

Timers and other settings will need to be changed most probably.

And do you have the codes?


Thanks for all your comments. I have told my mate that programing would be needed, so he has been warned that there could be costs. Im quite happy jist fitting the hardware and want to get it 90% percent done to the point where i can show the installer whats been done.

Going back to the colour of the wiring. I had a list of detectors/zones from the original installer and all the pirs were connected on blues and yellows. Only some of the door contacts used different colours no matter how i looked at it, blues and yellows were connected on the panel and not on the pirs. Not sure if anything was in between but when i turned up at the old unit, the place looked like a bomb site and the panel was already open and power disconnected. (MrHappy there will be some pics on fb of that!)

Im gonna finish off installing the bell box, 1 more door contact, a push button, then get my mate to call for the engineer. I know my limits, im not that daft.


There was most probably a big junction box somewhere so whatever you do DO NOT power up as is.

As there WILL be a cross over somewhere.

By all means fit the stuff. Let the new installer meter out and connect.


Thanks for all your comments. I have told my mate that programing would be needed, so he has been warned that there could be costs. Im quite happy jist fitting the hardware and want to get it 90% percent done to the point where i can show the installer whats been done.

Going back to the colour of the wiring. I had a list of detectors/zones from the original installer and all the pirs were connected on blues and yellows. Only some of the door contacts used different colours no matter how i looked at it, blues and yellows were connected on the panel and not on the pirs. Not sure if anything was in between but when i turned up at the old unit, the place looked like a bomb site and the panel was already open and power disconnected. (MrHappy there will be some pics on fb of that!)

Im gonna finish off installing the bell box, 1 more door contact, a push button, then get my mate to call for the engineer. I know my limits, im not that daft.


I assume the installer uses a different colour code for pirs (which are wired up correctly for G2)


There is 1 pair of grn/wht in the panel, there is also an zone expander board which may have all pirs connected to it


From my point of view if client wishes to save on labour costs running an alarm to where every device want to be is better than you terminating as it only take me a few mins more to fir the device than to check yours, provide a fuse spur for panel & screw the boxes to the wall, again anything more takes little more to do rather than checking what you have done.


FB wise you appear to be quite handy, I assume the bathroom spots & outside light where notified to building control :;

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God


kev if your going to do the wiring,just reconnect to the colours you want,you can see where they need to go already so wont take long,trace each cable then say use blue yellow in the dt for zone black/red power then connect blue yellow in the panel to that zone,then you will know yourself its wired correctly rather than guess,will save you a lot of time that way


I cant remember which order the pics were taken so not 100% sure which ones were before i started rewiring. What i did do was remove 1 set of cables at a time an replaced with the new cable, so 1 in 1 out. The old wiring was labelled with the zone markings so i was able to refer to the installers list and knew what was going where. In return i have also labelled all the new cables ive installed and also made notes on wiring colours, so hopefully, the engineer will be able to pick up from where ive left off. The spur and power are installed but not connected, ive no intention of doing that especially without the wring completed or checked. Once the rest of the hardware is in, ill get an engineer to run over it and program it up.


As for the spots and flood lights Mr Happy, those were already there or on owned property ;)


just some advise to the OP, the majority of companies are going to hang up when you call them to finish off your work.  don't bother calling "proper" companies, go for 1 man bands.


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