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Custodian Monitoring

Guest Paul Cooper

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Also the ESSEX gals take there time answering the phone when you call cause they have caller id enabled and it takes a while to see who`s drawn the short straw.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Listen, linea

From deciphering your original post, it seems you don't relly like us and don't really like what you do. So why would you come here?

This site and forum exist for like minded people in the industry to give/receive advice and share experiences for all our benefits.

There may be the occasional rant about the industry, but we don't slag each other off as cowboys, bodgers, prats, traffic wardens, etc.

Your comments are offensive nonsense and you may wan't to go post them here:-


If you don't know......ask.

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We use both Custodian and Southern Monitoring, and I am pretty happy with both. Advantage of Custodian is that you are very rarely on hold, same not true for SMS.

Has anyone else had the pleasure of using the automatic on-test proceedure for putting accounts on test, checking signals etc? (I can't remember its proper name at the mo...) I think it is GREAT - no time on hold!! You can put the account on test, check signals received and signals unrestored - saves quite a lot of time!!


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