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Custodian Monitoring

Guest Paul Cooper

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We use both Custodian and Southern Monitoring, and I am pretty happy with both.  Advantage of Custodian is that you are very rarely on hold, same not true for SMS.

Has anyone else had the pleasure of using the automatic on-test proceedure for putting accounts on test, checking signals etc?  (I can't remember its proper name at the mo...)  I think it is GREAT - no time on hold!!  You can put the account on test, check signals received and signals unrestored - saves quite a lot of time!!



It's called VRT, very useful tool!!

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in my past life at defender we used custodian a lot. i always founfd the nottingham branch to be very helpful mand the leeds branch not so good. I was also there for a year and half after chubb took over - the leeds branch got steadily worse, it was them that introduced VRT, which in my time was very unreliable but i am 3+ years out of date so it has probably got better.

i still deal occasionally with custodian at nottingham and they still seem ok



"Any comments / opinions posted are my opinion only and do not represent those of my employer or Company."

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