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laugh away fella

Just happens over the last few weeks ive been thinking of using deltabel chrome lids, i asked enterprise for a sample but they didnt have one, im deffo asking the rep this week.


I use the enforcer for wireless and their normal white lids look grey on the blue back, ***** if you ask me.


Having the chrome lid will look a damn site better, was toying with black, but reckon it would look pants as a bell.

I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.


 even once a couple of gay guys said they chose us purely due to our external unit.

More likely because neither are straight.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


Are you Asian?


chrome on anything looks good IMO

Wasnt sure if plastic chrome was anygood, but that sss box look good, as it does on their webby.


Ive mentioned to the rep pyronix bells look ****, its having non-white thin translucent lids on a dark back-ground. I told him to have a word with the powers that be and sort a white lid out for those of use that dont want neon madness.

I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.


chrome on anything looks good IMO

You would like my company car then :)


Black audi A4 with chrome around the windows chrome mirrors and 18" wheels all factory spec not boy racer......


Goes with the smart company image I want to grow more, have considered chrome external units but customners seem to like neutral colours (black and white goes with any building even the 300 year old cottages we do :) )

30 years of experience, ssaib approved family business.

We have a very long list of clients that we are very proud chose to use us. We have never bought out any other company or forced anyone to use us. All of our customers are free to leave us whenever they wish, yet very few ever have. This is down to the fact that we always put our best into every job.



I would always have my boxes printed in relief now - If I had boxes printed, which I dont.


I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.


You are going on about other people being brash? lol

No wonder our Sheffield guys are doing so well

Tell me about it Joe. I thought he would of piped down since recent developments.

As for fitting 1000 bells at £45 each, whats the point? We charge £95 + vat to contract customers only and its a PITA.


yeah right - go read the thread properly - this "busy fool" just turned down an offer from your MD to buy the business.


I think most of the guys on here have been offered at one point or another ;)  I'd be worried if you hadn't.


Had a quick scan again of thread, must be missing whatever you are on about sorry geeza




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