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i don't really feel the need to prove my self to you and whatever i say will be put up for judgment as i have the internet at my fingertips so whatever i say will be wrong

absolutely correct,

some members in here seem to forget this a forum for discussion, not the Spanish Inquisition or some open university course for English Lit Studies.

I do wish you all the luck, but you must expect the bad times in any business. sometimes no matter how hard or well you try, nothing comes in, other times it seems you just flick your fingers and orders cave in your front door. it is a very fickle trade, tbh unless you really love intruder systems it will be very hard to apply yourself @ 3am on a freezing cold night.

as i have personally proved, you can survive without registration quite comfortably, if a am to honest much younger, starting out like you knowing what now know i would certainly go registered and likely NSI and the buddy system (as opposed to SSAIB).

either way you go you need to build a good core client base that results in profitable work, very easy to get into low end low markup sales, get knocked and then be playing catch up. i have always aimed to get a deposit that covered my materials, the client refuses that my advice stand your ground and you walk simple as.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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