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Switching Pir To Viper Glx Shock - Wiring Advice - Galaxy G2-20


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Your mixing inputs and outputs up.

you cant use any if the 000x outputs for anything but comms equipment


Ok; sorry folks!


- Do I need to be in the panel/move any wiring?

- 1001 thru 1004 seem to be pretty much essential...? Would changing these have a detrimental affect on the operation?


I just need to nail this and im set...

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Neg to shock into output as 08  (Option 53, then 08).


1004 is RIO 0 Input 4 =  1004 The zone wiring does not change the power wiring does.


RTFM as mentioned :D


I am RTFM'ing, and pulling hair - appreciating all the help folks!


I understand now, that I need to reroute the Neg in the panel, for this zone, to an Output, which I then set to DetRst. 


My last(?) question; where are the outputs!!



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Trig output


Only one you can use if you have a sab.


Ok, so I've moved the Neg to Trig, and set Output from 1001 Set to 1001 0v DetRst... Logged out as Engineer...


Go to set it, and the Viper now warns it is 'open'... although it does set...

Edited by Vini
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  • 4 years later...

We've just had new Windows fitted, which resulted in this particular Viper GLX being disconnected... I've returned to found the Remote Keypad flashing with *******************'s across the screen, the keypad beeps on keypress, but does nothing else.


Power cycling the G2 results in the panel starting up with a long beep (until keypress) and the screen returning to flashing *******************'s...


Any ideas?

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45 minutes ago, james.wilson said:

the keypad isn't communicating with the panel


Hi James, I appreciate this, but I don't understand why this would be. Given that the keypad has not been touched.


I appreciate that the peripherals are probably all linked in series...


My wiring:

Pos/+/12v == White

Neg/-/0v == Green

Tamper == Blue

Alarm == Red


I have no photo prior to the windows being changed, but this is how the sensor currently looks. The window fitter is adamant no wires have "come loose" and I have double checked that all the connections are tight. This is the only sensor that has been touched.





I am confused as to why the keypad is now not playing ball.


Does the keypad comm issue/*******'s prevent a full boot up also? I ask, as I have a network connection to the Panel, but this is no longer connecting.



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