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I'm not sure I would advise having anything to do with manufacturing as a long term career plan unless you want to emigrate to Africa. Hardly anything is built in the UK anymore.  There's still a little bit of hardware design, but it's pretty much gone too.


Becoming a software engineer is probably a better bet if you have the brains for it.

Sensible words



you want to emigrate to Africa. Hardly anything is built in the UK anymore.

wrong continent for skilled manufacturing

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God


I'm not sure I would advise having anything to do with manufacturing as a long term career plan unless you want to emigrate to Africa. Hardly anything is built in the UK anymore.  There's still a little bit of hardware design, but it's pretty much gone too.


Becoming a software engineer is probably a better bet if you have the brains for it.


 http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews130102.html it seems they're not so popular with homeowners 


True unfortunately, it certainly seems to be heading that way. 


It's on the horizon. All the big EM's are looking at Africa.


Their the leading brand, looking in a leading brand car forum & you'll see similar rants.

Agreed. Even if ADT had 90% customer satisfaction, that remaining 10% is a lot of pissed off people.



Do ADT have engineers or do they get companies in to fit the stuff? I see ADT vans around but I've heard for smaller installs, they contract companies in to fit and sign off the system? 


most companies use sub contractors but adt do have a 'dealer' program. Is that what you mean?




How did you all get into the trades? What qualifications do you need to become an installer? 


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