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Act Meters Ltd - 3.6V Lithium Battery Tester (Pir)?


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Hi All,

We're new to this sort of social thing. We've got new management following the retirement of company founder David Grant. First job was to get rid of that old website (was dire!) and launch a more user friendly version -  - We have a few new products in the pipeline but what are your thoughts on a battery tester for 3.6V Lithium batteries used in PIRs? The original GOLD IBT battery tester (smaller one) is back too...


Hi welcome to the forum please take a look at the forum rules before posting thanks http://www.thesecurityinstaller.co.uk/site-rules-and-disclaimer.html


No need for it in my opinion, most of us will change them every 2 years and the cost is covered by the annual maintenance fee. They're cheap enough to just replace if suspected as dud anyway.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)


The original GOLD IBT battery tester (smaller one) is back too...

we already know ;) a TSI member put a topic up with link earlier today.

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God


Hi All,

We're new to this sort of social thing. We've got new management following the retirement of company founder David Grant. First job was to get rid of that old website (was dire!) and launch a more user friendly version -  - We have a few new products in the pipeline but what are your thoughts on a battery tester for 3.6V Lithium batteries used in PIRs? The original GOLD IBT battery tester (smaller one) is back too...


Hi welcome to the forum please take a look at the forum rules before posting thanks http://www.thesecurityinstaller.co.uk/site-rules-and-disclaimer.html


Nice to here the old metal IBT is back.

I agree with above it's not really worth buying a tester for batteries that cost little to replace.


We replace them every service as part of the maintenance fee.


Bought myself an old skool IBT last week. Nice!


Same here though, any suspected duff gets replaced and all my records have change dates already in, so....

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands



i use mine on the new replacement batts, not unknown to get the odd dud.

if i go to other installers system it's good to show the client that battery is actually dead or on it's way out. with all the rogue traders type programs it helps remove any suspicion your scamming them.

testing non rechargeable batts on a designated tester i think likely shortens their useful lives, so imho testing other than a meter is restricted to diagnostics after a problem.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!


i use mine on the new replacement batts, not unknown to get the odd dud.


Fair enough, agreed.

if i go to other installers system it's good to show the client that battery is actually dead or on it's way out. with all the rogue traders type programs it helps remove any suspicion your scamming them.


Been accused much?

testing non rechargeable batts on a designated tester i think likely shortens their useful lives, so imho testing other than a meter is restricted to diagnostics after a problem.


Ahh , that lateral thinking again...............


i use mine on the new replacement batts, not unknown to get the odd dud.

Fair enough, agreed.

if i go to other installers system it's good to show the client that battery is actually dead or on it's way out. with all the rogue traders type programs it helps remove any suspicion your scamming them.

Been accused much?

testing non rechargeable batts on a designated tester i think likely shortens their useful lives, so imho testing other than a meter is restricted to diagnostics after a problem.

Ahh , that lateral thinking again...............

1) thanks for your permission.

2) no! i just go to great lengths to be transparent.

3) mere Lateral? Thats for mere mortals - I think in the 3D aspect.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!


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