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Agility 3 Gsm Module Capabilities


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A few months back some of you kindly answered some questions forme about configuring an Agility panel, which was very helpful. However, shortly afterwards some scrotes broke in and in the process of trying to shut the panel up destroyed it ...


So it has been replaced with an Agility 3. I have had it supplied and installed by a reputable alarm firm,but I am wanting to set up the follow-me stuff on the GSM and I am having a few problems.


The SMS follow me works fine.


I have set up the parameters for an email one (my intention os to get everything reported that way, regardless of how else it might be), but I get the old triple-beep treatment when I try to test it.


I am assuming that it will not to TLS/SSL authentication(I tried a quick test and it didn't seem to work), so I am using Google's non-authenticated email mechanism <http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en-uk&hlrm=en&answer=176600> and this page <http://cavewall.jaguardesignstudio.com/2011/10/12/google-apps-smtp-without-ssl-part-1/>, but no dice.


Anyone know what I need to do for this.


I also tried to set up voice follow-me which also defeated me. The installers swore that it wouldn't do this, but (a) that seems unbelievable and (b) seems to be contradicted the ability to specify a GSM-only path for the follow-me and the ability to set up ARC reporting by voice when you only have GSM


Am I missing something?



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@Lwillis: Did you mean "did" or "didn't"? There were a couple of reasons why I was going to set it up:


1. Because I had previously installed my older Agility, I reasoned (incorrectly as it turns out) that it would be simple enough to do - the menu structure even has follow-me as a user setup, and I like to know *how* to do stuff so I am not *reliant* on the alarm company if there is a problem.


2. Due to the installers not appreciating how many sensors and not having brought a configuration laptop, it took them a long time and it was quite late by that point.

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I am a bit anal about being *able* to do something.


Which is why this is so annoying.


I have found another thing which doesn't work as advertised ....


I have some 2-way keyfobs, and I want them to use the code to lock/unlock. I have the code set and the command setting to disallow fast part or full set and require a code for unset on each fob, and I have disallowed fast set in the system settings.


The keypad doesn't allow fast set, but the fobs still allow fast set and unset.


Do I need to make the fobs explicitly talk to/sync with the panel? If so, what is the procedure?


Aaagghhh! I shall call them backonmy next working from homeday if this doesn't yield to my efforts soon ...



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i have installed a fair few Agilities, but not the current one as yet (awaiting my available time in the workshop).


tbh hard for any company engineer to know all the more exotic details of what is the latest incarnation of a very sophisticated and versatile control panel.


you could call Risco Technical (number is on back of your user manual).


i would seriously advise not to set up to many key holder contact paths, each takes an amount of time to complete. so if you setup text, email and PSTN to inform you, then you might well switch it off and cancel before any manage to complete.


email wise you need to set up your smtp server properly, i suggest give your system its own email address, possibly the one supplied with the sim card.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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@arfur mo:


I am using a google mail account, and the recipient is a google mail account, but there is no diagnostic mechanism for the failures - it doesn't seem to end up in the logs.



hope i'm not advertising egg sucking lessons here,


with my respects, have you tried emulating the email from one account to another (as though you are the Agility) just to prove al info is correct?

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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It is connecting to the cloud okay, so the GPRS is fine.


I have tested the google un-authenticated SMTP server and it does work as advertised. I have also go a free account with SMTP2GO and that doesn't work either.


The speed withwhich it triple-beeps suggests that there is something about how I have the panelset up that means it never even tries to send the email, rather than that it is failing to.


Probably the same reason it won't do the voice.



Onyour earlier mail, I cannot completely emulate the agility because I don't know if it does SSL or TLS.

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