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False Alarm From Wired Pir


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  On 25/06/2013 at 21:40, Alarm Protection said:

The system is 23 years old and should be replaced surely?

Or am I missing something?

Nope. You are thinking on the right lines.


  On 25/06/2013 at 21:05, EdGasket said:

Well I was hoping not to get into an argument about professional servicing and as far as I am concerned, if it works, I don't need to change it but if necessary I will change it all. Can we please be objective and helpful with the replies? I just need some technical advice.

Someone mentioned resistance readings; can you provide more detail of what to measure?


Yes. This is helpful. You don't know and can't fix a 23 year old panel. You've had two false alarms in as many nights.


Go and buy this. http://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2186. You'll need another detector or you can swap them out for some dualtechs if you want to spend some more. Can all be done for under £100, comes with the manuals and since the cabling is already there it's just a straight swap with a couple of hours to make it look neat.


All valid points have been raised.

Apart from one which mentions the battery voltage with a meter. That is not a real load test and invalid.

If the battery is between 3 and 5 yrs old it is time to replace as a matter of course. ( Some say 3 some 4 some 5. But 5 is the maximum for a maintained system IMHO).

That may be the issue, and for the cost one worth perusing.


Voltages at the panel and detector are also a good indication of the wiring, in fact a separate resistance reading should be taken to ensure the cables are stable and within a serviceable tolerance. And with clamps, not sweaty hands (Almost fell for that one the other day, but the client was a stunner :P ).


It is old and although may work, would you trust something that old and now showing possible faults?

Although some work, there are service lifes to be considered with all electrical items. Especially ones like smoke and heat detectors. All relay driven as are the motion detectors. And you CANNOT service them, as nor can we. It is a REPLACE THE ITEM TIME.


Your best advise has been to do a small upgrade, for not a lot you will get items you know are reliable for the next 5 to 10 years and a panel with more features. Of which you would probably appreciate more.



So to finish.


Probably time to accept the "old kit" has been good, but now is approaching not fit for purpose time.



Edit due to thicko not proof checking post !


Look here





but it will probably be a faulty PIR due to age as others have stated. I also think that the time has probably come to upgrade the whole system if it is all 23 years old.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

  On 25/06/2013 at 22:58, jameswilson said:

Oxo you on a mission to wind up others?

I'm often accused of the same



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