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Logic 4 No Buzzer Sound.


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Still wonder about it.

Selling something a bit newer and easier to use would give the "Nice furry feeling".

Something with fobs to make her life easier perhaps.


You wouldn,t credit it .

I thought about what had been said in your replies and decided to go back later today and try and fix and fit  it.(daft bugger I am ) .

But who  should turn up on my doorstep 9.15 this morning  but the son of the old lady .

He apologised and explained  why his mother wanted the new/old logic 4 fitting..

His father was obsessed with the thought of  his wifes safety when he died and this is why his mother wanted the  logic 4 fitting , he told me there had been 5 previous engineers out all refusing to fit it but charging her for the call out . 

He paid me twice as much as I would have charged for trying to fit it ,,so for me it was not  the loss i epected to stand.

He has left the alarm and bellbox with me and said that if i can fix it I can have it...






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