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Recommend Installer In Lancashire


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Can anyone recommend a burglar alarm installer in the Lancashire area (I live in Preston)?. I am aware there are a number of local companies advertised but would prefer a recommendation.

As I am profoundly deaf, I would need some form of visual indication that the alarm has gone off, certainly in my bedroom so this is not a conventional installation. I would also require notifications sent to my mobile when the alarm is triggered.

Many thanks,


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Not in the area but you could have a sarabec vibrating pager system added on, which you can add a vibrating pillow, smoke alarm, doorbell, strobe light, phone ring detect alarm clock, loads of stuff

good advice.also use a company that is registered and good with the likes of typetalk

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good advice.also use a company that is registered and good with the likes of typetalk

Thanks for the advice / suggestions. I am aware of the Sarabec system but as I am a pretty heavy sleeper I think a visual indication would be better! But I am open to suggestions. Just need a recommended installer - i have heard horror stories about ADT (I could be misguided) but will look at those other companies you have mentioned.


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ADT aren't as bad as you hear. Yes they have a lot of customers with gripes but they also have a lot of customers so pro rata will have a fair few of unhappy ones. As a % of their subscriber base I'm sure it is quite small.


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But I am open to suggestions. Just need a recommended installer - i have heard horror stories about ADT (I could be misguided)


you are.we have quite a few deaf customers/organisations,I used to look after a deaf centre and was signed up to typetalk as a result,great service tho took a few calls to get used to not speaking to the operator as if they were the customer..

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you are.we have quite a few deaf customers/organisations,I used to look after a deaf centre and was signed up to typetalk as a result,great service tho took a few calls to get used to not speaking to the operator as if they were the customer..

I am aware of TypeTalk and use it as and when needed and, yes, it is a very useful service. Can anyone recommend a non-monitored installer? Does anyone have any views on the Yale Smarthome Alarm system, as it can be hooked up an "Appliance Control" which I guess I can connect a bedside lamp to and have it turned on when the alarm is activated?


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