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Recommend Installer In Lancashire


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Professional monitoring services can do text. The main issue we have with lesser solutions is reliability.


Yale is a low end product as are many others and whilst we accept it isn't necessary to have a bank vault level of security there is some much better suited kit at similar or not much more money that does a considerably better job.


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Don't get you guys, Yale Digital is professionally installed, 'SSIAB' in fact....  :ermm:


Its says so here - 3rd line from the bottom....




A bit like our local who is a member of the 'Federation of Security Installers' (population 1),

maybe they have made up something called the SSIAB of which they are founder members?

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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Op your concerned about local alarm? Ie noise is irrelevant?

Hello - not quite sure what you are asking? By "local", do you mean as a means of waking me up at night? If so, then noise would be useless as I take my hearing aids off before I got to bed so effectively I am profoundly deaf (hence the reason I get a decent nights kip). So I would need a visual indicator to wake me up.

As I said, I am not ignoring anyone's advice (and do appreciate all the time and effort taken to respond). I just need to decide whether a monitored service is best for me, given the additional outlay.


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