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Customer Database


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Hello all,

I have been looking through here at all the posts about a decent customer database. I need to get something that can keep all the details in one place and make it easier to see what services are due etc. any recommendations? Ideally I don't wanna spend fortunes either lol.

I am thinking about trialling ServiceLife has anyone used this?

cheers guys

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There are a few available to you

I could not make my mind up either, it seemed alarm master was the way to go

But after reading how much time it took to get if right, I decided against it.

In the end I ended up buying BASE from PCData, they also make Alarm Master.

Base is a very watered down version of Alarm Master but does work really well for us.

It handles all contracts perfectly, recording all visits of any kind and incident tracking,

Monthly maintenance is a doddle, just select a month ant run the print report.

There are a good amount of features with it but it all depends what you want it to do for you.

Costs less than £250 and annual charge for support at around £120

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Thanks buddy.

Don't you have to be SSAIB approved for BASE? I'm not approved yet

Price is good on that though

And what's this AlarmPro one I have seen on here? Is it still available?

LOL your confusing Base with Bafe Si

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Is he? I thought the AM light thing SSAIB only?

Originally said by Charles Babbage
On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.

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Yes, My mistake..  


I just assumed Firesi83 was already accredited


BASE is for SSAIB approved companies only, They do authenticate your registration number before issuing an activation code.


Your company name is then embedded somehow into the activation code and is loaded at the start-up of the software

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Although it does state on PC-Data website that its for SSAIB only, Maybe to them a sale is a sale.... Who knows ?


Whether its worth giving them a call, What have you got to lose...


Its only a database management program, There is nothing in there that can be used for the wrong purpose within the industry

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