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Just use mb's buying logic, close your eyes, put your fingers in your ears and go 'lalalalalalala'

You're not being nice again

vc's must be getting twitchy and want rid soon then,fattening it up for Xmas,tho I thought you wernt involved in that side any more..

Someone has to monitor them . . .


I have been dragged into certain things I wish I wasn't


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M&S and Waitrose don't collude with the parking scammers to take their customers to court.


Nothing you prob don't already know but very interesting from a security installer POV...




  1. The case was heard yesterday (November 8th.) and the judge ruled that "the case was fundamentally flawed".This is the reason why:-

    Collection Of data By remote systems

    a. Systems using the internet protocol are by their very nature Asynchronous

    b. To use the time data derived from a client and server, it must be shown that the two are synchronised.

    i. A camera and monitoring software are wrongly considered to be synchronous, they are in fact asynchronous. The time stamp on data collected by a server , the application, is derived locally to the application. A camera may also have a local clock but it is not the clock of the server nor the application.

    ii. To use the images and time stamps produced by a server that is remote to the camera requires that the system has its own upper layer timing. If the system at any point uses connectivity provided by a third party, for instance ADSL data connections, then upper layer timing is required and some form of traffic flow security. An alarm and log would have to be implemented to warn of loss of Sync. If Parking Eye cannot show that the system is implemented with timing and sync loss logs then any images developed by the system cannot be trusted. And any use of the data collected as evidence of fact is wrong.

    So because parking eyelink3.gif just use cameras and don't have feet on the ground in the vast majority of car parks they "manage", then their whole business model has just gone down the pan.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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