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I guess the more subs you have the more essential it is to have control every little aspect.


Problem with me is I want every feature of AM from day 1, because it feels foolish not to, despite

the fact some of those features are clearly aimed at big co's.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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Full fat am cost us about 3k. I don't know if there is anything in the license that prohibits it but if not I'd be happy to transfer our license to you as I've no use for it as we use an 'alternative solution'


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Its dearer than full fat AM I presume then?


Its 32 bit, I did spot that, but no not knowingly installed drivers, will have a look at that in the week.




This is what you need to install mate,


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It is a case of what you pay for but if you put a decent chunk of investment into it then you get a lot out. It's good because it allows you to attach whatever arms and legs you want to it. One firm I worked at used it to do everything. Maintenance/quotes/surveys/day planning/engineer visits/ time sheets for staff and jobs. All linked through Microsoft office and PDA. You had full site history with precious quotes on word backed up to the site folder etc. It was fantastic. Hard to get stuck in to but once you got your head around it I don't think there is a better software package for an alarm company.

Another firm I used to work for just used it as a barebones customer database for maintenance visits and statistics. All quotes and job lines were done on word and a for matrix printer.

For a decent sized firm with some capital looking to invest then it's cash all the way. For a smaller firm then look elsewhere.

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