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It is an issue as they hand out approval like confetti and then those people then compete with companies that do things properly. We are just about to sign on the dotted line to take another 3 SSAIB firms over due to being practically bust and they can't work out why they would be better off in McDonalds. Simple plebs, charge more than 10p a year for fully comp maintenance!!!


Since we have gone on the aquisiton front it has pissed me off beyond belief what piss poor organisations hold the same approval as us and compete with us when they can't even wire a fricking digicom to an arc properly.


I believe it would have been better for the industy if NSI had remained as the sole King and none of this silver and bronze ****. Gold or nothing.


Don't get me wrong I don't think that the sun shines out of NSI's bum but I think we would all be in a better place if we had stuck with the old system.


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Since we have gone on the aquisiton front it has pissed me off beyond belief what piss poor organisations hold the same approval as us and compete with us when they can't even wire a fricking digicom to an arc properly.

Rather than buying piss poor organisations which have the same approval as you why not buy piss poor organisations with the better badge, there plenty of them out there to choose from ?

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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It is an issue as they hand out approval like confetti and then those people then compete with companies that do things properly.

never bothered you when you got it, how the worm has turned.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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Rather than buying piss poor organisations which have the same approval as you why not buy piss poor organisations with the better badge, there plenty of them out there to choose from ?

Offers in on 2 of them too.

never bothered you when you got it, how the worm has turned.

We should have never been given it when we did.

That narcissism is kicking in again I see..

I don't know what it means so can't comment.


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It is an issue as they hand out approval like confetti and then those people then compete with companies that do things properly. We are just about to sign on the dotted line to take another 3 SSAIB firms over due to being practically bust and they can't work out why they would be better off in McDonalds. Simple plebs, charge more than 10p a year for fully comp maintenance!!!


Since we have gone on the aquisiton front it has pissed me off beyond belief what piss poor organisations hold the same approval as us and compete with us when they can't even wire a fricking digicom to an arc properly.


I believe it would have been better for the industy if NSI had remained as the sole King and none of this silver and bronze ****. Gold or nothing.


Don't get me wrong I don't think that the sun shines out of NSI's bum but I think we would all be in a better place if we had stuck with the old system.

What a ridiculous answer.

Why not just say it would be better if there was only your company servicing the industry.

Bottom line is it's got feck all to with any inspectorate how a company is run. Regardless of how they would try and have you think otherwise.

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I don't agree. I think Mr JB Eye had it right all along.


I know you don't like inspectorates and I'm not the biggest fan myself but alarm companies seemed to have a much happier time of it in the Nacoss days.


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