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Need Advice About Palco-D Protocol Compatible Relay Board


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We are small company who specialize in PC controlled relay boards.

Several times we receive questions from CCTV users (or installers) about relay board that can be connected to DVR RS485 and controlled using PTZ buttons.

Questions like:
"Can this item be connected to a CCTV DVR and controlled via RS-485
to open/close garage roller door? Gates? etc? "

I am not very familiar with CCTV but found from a friend one DVR with RS485 Output for PTZ control.

Because we have RS485 relay board using our protocol now I have re-write firmware to accept PALCO-D commands. First version control only one relay:
UP button turn ON relay number 1
DOWN button turn OFF relay number 1

I need opinions how to connect Palco-D commands with relays to be easy for use and understanding.

Because relay board have 8 relays and total 16 commands (8 x ON + 8 x OFF).

Using UP and DOWN buttons now I can control one relay.

Second Relay connect to the same camera channel has to be LEFT/RIGHT?

Or all to one channel? Or 4 relays to one channel and 4 relays to second channel?

And I also want to make a simple android software for easy relay control throught DVR.

So I need some advises from people who know and use DVR.

Thank you


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I am guessing you mean Pelco-D?

There are multiple options.

You could use Up Down Left and Right as 4 relays.

By making the relays toggle on each directional command or non-latching.

There plenty of other commands like Zoom in and Out (for 5 and 6), wash, wipe, Aux etc.

Or use Preset commands to switch them, either toggle like above or Goto Preset 01 = Ch1 OFF, Goto Preset 11 = Ch1 ON.

Wouldn't you just use the DVR's application to trigger the relays?

Personally I'd use something like this and skip the 485 completely.


Some DVR's have relays on them to trigger interfaces via there apps.

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Some dvr dont have relay outputs or only a couple.


I would suggest the best way was to use the preset command.


ir preset 1 turn relay 1 on. preset 1 again turn it off.


Id assume you have a pulse mode and latch mode, ie preset 1 called = relay 1 for 10 seconds etc.


im thinking its easy to use preset 1 to 8 to control relays 1 - 8

securitywarehouse Security Supplies from Security Warehouse

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Wow… Great forum, great members!


Very fast and usefully replies.


Yes, protocol is Pelco-D, but can’t find how to fix description.


I newer think about ‘toggle’ version. But because is not back information if user no see door and press accidently several times button how will know last status?


Now understand that all dependent on situation and because here are DipsWitches no problem two or more versions - ‘toggle’ mode, ‘latch’ mode …


Now must read/learn about ‘preset functions’ …


If here is more possibilities I can add 'ALL OFF' command too?



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Well you could use preset 9 or wash but id personally stick with preset numbers. Or use 99.

seems a useful product id be interested in looking at one and possibly distribute it. But its quite niche i don't see an installer using many.

securitywarehouse Security Supplies from Security Warehouse

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I would use high preset numbers as low numbers are usually in use. Maybe 21-28?

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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