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Hard-Wired Touch Screen Driven System In The Uk

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Thanks for that Peter. 


I've seen the Scantronic keypads around but am not familiar with them. I'll check them and the app out. 


Thanks for your feedback too RFS. I might look into local suppliers again - I've struggled to find someone who seems to have the knowhow. But it is an exciting project to try.

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The other thing you should consider is the type of burglar you are likely to get? If its most likely to be an opportunist that hasnt noticed you have a bellbox then you have no need to worry about the line getting cut or the GSM failing or your ISP not sending the email. If on the other hand your house contains theft attractive property that will attract someone with some savvy (And they are out there ) then you should consider some sensible kit 

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In our area the stats say mainly the opportunist. Although I appreciate that doesn't rule out those who might target the property. That's another reason we've opted for the additional cameras and configuring them so we can track and revised anyone checking the place out. Appreciate again that it's not as fool-proof as having a monitored solution but seems to be a reasonable compromise.

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The siemens panel will support ip cameras and pull images from them in the event of an alarm, and store them as jpg stills.

But the open protocol HA interface is not released yet, and is restricted to x10. You may be able to interface between the serial and something like a micasaverde.


But getting alarm info out is your issue imho. The siemens does not send an email it uses either its ethernet port to report to the arc via its own polled protocol. Not direct to email etc. The problem here is professional installers etc cannot rely on direct as a secure method of reporting. There is too much that is outside of the control of the provider. There is a siemens app that you can add floorplans etc too but will not alert of an activation.


I dont know of a single panel in the UK anyway that supports zwave nativily as id like one myself. Im hoping to be able to use a siemens and the apps in time when the new protocol replaces the current x10 system.

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Thanks James. 


There is a touch screen I've come across by Netgear that might work for you  - it's also used by ADT and called the ADT Pulse (don't know if it's Netgear labelled ADT or ADT labelled Netgear). Seems to be up and coming in the US but not here. I don't know how compatible that might be for the Siemens unit?

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OP, I think the problem professionals have is you are the typical customer with a (presumably nice) brand new 5 bed house, full of (by the sound

of it) flashy gear, yet relentlessly trying to convince yourself Pat and John next door will be there to apprehend the criminal every time they

hear the bell go, as others have said, expect to be 'noticed' if your house is distinctive, despite being 'alarmed to the teeth' I get away with living in an

ordinary looking terraced house at the end of a cul-de-sac in a dead end courtyard, making my chances of being burgled very low.


Don't forget with the i-On though you'll have to leave it wide open on the WAN; yes you could choose an obscure port, and also as peter says its not

an app so can be a tiny bit fiddly to get to the virtual keypad screen on a phone. It does work though. Again, it isn't monitoring.


"Non-monitored monitoring". Like that. Might have to use that in an ad!

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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Yeh, trademark that phrase. 


I prefer to typify myself as an eternally disappointed consumer - relentlessly giving suppliers and big companies the chance to deliver the service they promise and charge so dearly for and always ending up being let down :)


Anyhew, I don't have any flashy gear. Honest. Certainly nothing worth nicking. Right!?!


Reading up on the Ion, id does seem to be a little complicated. And even with a good firewall setup, quite open. 


I think I might just get two German Shepherds!

... although you're going to tell me that's not faultless 'cos one might eat the other one! :)

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Don't get me wrong if someone tries to log in too many times it will just alarm same as if some idiot was bashing on the keypad...

But not the point though and lack of exploits being found doesn't mean there aren't any, just means no-ones found them because

its so obscure.


The Texe will be able to offer better security; IF working via a Webway which only a pro can provide. AFAIK that setup isn't ready

yet either, but I get the idea it's advanced to the stage where its imminent. Also Texe have separate keypad and management apps.


In all seriousness dogs can be very good security but don't get one just for that!

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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Good info on the setup's - I might focus some energy on the Texe to see how far that one will go. I've found a couple of reputable z wave sources in the UK that sell the DSC kit too, but appreciate that could come with problems.


To be honest, we already have a fab dog (and definitely not just for security). 



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