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You think you are having a bad day

Guest simmo

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There I am today minding my own business sat at a set of traffic lights when wham some muppet decides to plant his Toyota into the back of my new van!

It gets better the guy then decides to do a runner - I stop him and he swings at me! One good humdinger of a punch later the guy is on the deck with another injury to add to the few he picked up from bouncing off his own windscreen.

Police arrive and nick him for providing a positive breath test. They then inform me that he has no insurance, no driving licence, and is an illegal immigrant.

So heres me now with a bloody sore neck, two jobs postponed for tomorrow and a van that although doesn't look too badly damaged from the back has a nasty looking crease down the side, and a side door with a now much wider gap in it than when it started.

Me suspects some chassis distortion which is going to majorly :realmad: me off, especially as the van is my source of income.

Any guys on the forum got any experience of the motor insurance burea you know those people that deal with claims against uninsured drivers.

What really hacks me off is my insurance is going to get a hammering from this, and I'm gonna have to get a hire vehicle at cost to me.

Any advice with regards to this would be appreciated.

I know all the legal stand points as an ex copper and the guy will probably do a bunk before the court date anyway just haven't much experience with the Motor insurance burea.

Appreciate any thoughts



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Hi Simmo,

Sorry to hear of your misfortune, I believe that there is an agreement in place between insurance company's to cover such uninsured incidents, where the last company to insure the vehicle stands the cost. I will look into it and get back to you

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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My missus works for Churchill, she says the MIB only cover if you have no cover of your own. If you're full comp it'll come off your own insurance, if you're 3rd party the MIB will cover it but with a £300 excess.

Great isnt it, the idiot who hit you will probably get fined less than you will have to pay out....if he ever turns up in court.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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cheers for the support fellas, I've got a brief on the case who reckons they can claim back some costs through the MIB.

The van looks like it's repairable (to be confirmed by insurance engineer tom) but will be off the road for 7-10 days.

Anyone ever tried to get a set of massive triple ladders onto a Renault Scenic? :whistle:


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cheers for the support fellas, I've got a brief on the case who reckons they can claim back some costs through the MIB.

The van looks like it's repairable (to be confirmed by insurance engineer tom) but will be off the road for 7-10 days.

Anyone ever tried to get a set of massive triple ladders onto a Renault Scenic? :whistle:



what you get money from the Men In Black!!!!!!!!!that will smiths a good guy eh!!!!!!

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