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Then there were the jobs you had to ditch it in a plant pot on the sly.

lol I've had 2 only like that from old dears,one she put salt in instead of sugar,the other which was like a kick in the nuts she used the water she had boiled her veg in...


I lost all sense of smell and taste about 10 years ago, lasted for a couple of years. I first noticed when I drank some milk from the carton, and never smelt or tasted it was off, I just felt the chunks going down my throat.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


I lost all sense of smell and taste about 10 years ago, lasted for a couple of years. I first noticed when I drank some milk from the carton, and never smelt or tasted it was off, I just felt the chunks going down my throat.


That actully makes me feel sick. 


I never drink tea from Domestic Clients anymore as sometimes they offer you cup of tea and the cup is dirty. 


Good Commercial Client I go to Always offer Tea/Coffee and wee biscuit or fruit. 



I never drink tea from Domestic Clients anymore as sometimes they offer you cup of tea and the cup is full of flowers chocolates and tools..


I lost all sense of smell and taste about 10 years ago, lasted for a couple of years. I first noticed when I drank some milk from the carton, and never smelt or tasted it was off, I just felt the chunks going down my throat.

Gross, you drink from the carton?

Originally said by Charles Babbage
On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.


That actully makes me feel sick. 


I never drink tea from Domestic Clients anymore as sometimes they offer you cup of tea and the cup is dirty.

Bit of **** never hurt anyone.

Normally you can tell if you want a brew from how well the house is kept


Problem with kids nowadays is they are not exposed to germs etc. All this antibacterial stuff makes us more susceptible to the things it's trying to protect from.

Gross, you drink from the carton?


Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


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