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Bit Of An Alarm Emergency! Please Help!


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Hello all, I'd really appreciate your help.


Two days before going on holiday I decided to change an ageing bell box which I suspected the battery backup had gone faulty in. Well I wasn't too far wrong - turns out the +ve wire running to the battery in the bell box wasn't even connected. Regardless, out with the old, in with the new.


I've have an ADE Optima Compact, suspected around 10 years old. Trying to wire up to a new AG6 Honeywell box. 6 connections to 5. Strobe +ve left to one side.


I am having major issues!


As i have had to remove the control panel to view wiring, this has resulted in a tamper alarm silenced by entering the code. When replacing the panel and hitting reset, this sets off the external siren and strobe. The only way to silence this is to create another tamper (i.e. remove the case) on the panel and enter the code. Once the cover is back on (or the tamper spring pushed in to give the impression of that) and the reset button is pressed, the siren and strobe go off again!


I can't figure it out.


What I also can't figure out is why there is a connection between (SCB) T & A that the person who installed it put in. If I remove this, the panel locks up and no key presses are registered.


Photos of the box and panel wiring attached. Yes I moved the link over in the box from test.


Your urgent desperate help required!



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Oh dear...


Right, first off, the system is totally incorrectly wired with telephone (solid) wire. This in itself can cause problems.


Second, I would never change a sounder before a holiday. If it goes off, is it fair to your neighbours?


Third, the link is there as a bodge, to prevent a previous faulty sounder, cable or wiring failure from causing a 'bell tamper' at the panel.

So you might find that either the wiring has a long standing fault.


My first thought would be to disable this now before its left unattended, but of course this will leave you (slightly less) protected than

nothing. I would get a pro in at this stage. Its also a good advert for having your system properly looked after so its there when you need

it most :)

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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Bodge about sums up the previous owner of this house. I'm regularly correcting his mistakes, and he was an electrician by trade!


I will replace the previous bell box and leave it for another day I think.


I have forgiving neighbours who have a key and instructions should it go off. I wanted to replace it due to the duff bell box battery. Really wish I hadn't bothered now!


Any idea what is causing it to sound off when it's reset from tamper mode?

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no 0v return to your panel if its tampering, is it just the box outside sounding or both the external box and your panel ?


i back data diffusion 100% as he has said, now would be a good time to get a pro in, wired in the wrong cable, and possibly issues with the cable, really needs testing properly, and the cable needs metering out

Employed by an NSI GOLD company

Any comments or views i have are my own, and do not represent that of my employer or clients.



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Afternoon all,


A quick trip to B&Q this morning. 25m of 6 core alarm cable purchased. Engineer mode. Fuse out. Cable threaded through from alarm panel, up the stairs, airing cupboard, loft, and exterior wall. Old box off, new box on. Wired in to panel. Fuse back in. Strobe test. Siren test. Walk-through test (just to make sure). Panel back together. Back to day mode and.... no sirens!!! Bosh! sorted all done!


Wish I'd done it yesterday as it's taken a quarter of the time and a lot less running up and down ladders and being deafened by a siren I could not switch off!


I should've known when I saw the connector to dupe the tamper circuit. I'd seen this before when I had to re-lay the RKP cable....which was also wired up wrong. He (previous owner) had also removed the connection to the backup battery in the bell box, again to side step tamper issues no doubt. Utter git. It worries me he is/was an electrician by trade.


Anyhow, all sorted. Shiny new box with the status LEDs fully functioning. I can sleep a bit better on my holidays now.




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