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Well it had to happen sooner or later didn't it what are your views on looking after fire systems at selected branches isn't it about time we all joined the union to stop them walking all over us YET AGAIN.

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This is what i love about some employed people. Always see the negatives never see the positives.

What about the new or extra or updated string to your bow, or even just for a change maybe something different.

Funny how you loved them enough to go for the interview and take the job!

Its been said before but //.National Installer.// GUYS TAKE SOME STICK but of the few on here that everyone knows who could teach a few others a thing or two.

If you don't like it.....QUIT!


      Well it had to happen sooner or later didn't it what are your views on looking after fire systems at selected branches isn't it about time we all joined the union to stop them walking all over us YET AGAIN.


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At the end of the day it's the principle of the matter that's the issue here.

The Initial hierarchy yet again impose their dictatorship ideas on their work force without any regard for their long suffering, over worked and under paid, loyal engineers.

To expect their engineers to be fully au fait with fire alarms after a 2 day course, if their lucky, is beyond the joke. Nothing against Fire Engineers but there is no way that they could "pick up " our job in a few weeks.

It is yet another attempt by the company to add to their massive yearly profits without passing any monetary rewards back to the people in the front line.

Fire Engineers have always been paid more per hour than their Security counterparts and they still get paid their £15 per night stand by allowance and travel time at overtime rates.

This, added to the fact that Security engineers have to be conversant with 3 disciplines i.e.- CCTV, Door Access and Security Systems, just adds to the whole injustice of the thing.

What happens if something goes wrong and the fire alarm doesn't work ? It's not a case of stock or belongings being stolen . LIVES could be put at risk and i'm damn sure that the management won't take any of the blame. No, they'll be too busy counting their added maintenance revenue and pointing the finger of blame at the sorry "jack of all trades" engineer to care !!!!

Why should we "quit", as one of our more pompous members puts it, a career which most of us enjoy and take alot of pride in providing a service for our customers ?

A very large can of worms is about to be opened i'm afraid.

UTC - The dawn of a new era !

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I Whole-heartedly agree with all that you say, except the 'pompous' bit.

If you don't like it ...quit... and go somewhere that you will be appreciated and valued for you expertise. If everyone took the same view, the empire would crumble.

may the force be with you

If you don't know......ask.

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Its not a pompous attitude!

If you all quit then they have bigger problems than they will have if you just moan and whinge on.

If you quit you dont suddenly loose your career that you love! I get at least one call a month from agencys asking if i want a job or know anybody who wants a job.

Fact is there has never been a better time to look for another job, but that would mean having to do something wouldn't it.

I've been there Stal, i was a steward and took Shorrocks on my own virtually with very little support to fight for what i thought was right and won!

As for the dictators as you call them trying to make the business more profitable, well thats what they get paid for unless i am mistaken!

My point still stands and you haven't answered it really! They keep giving you all this **** and you stand there and take it but moan like hell on here. I dont think you have posted one positive message on here ever. I dont have a problem with you personally just the attitude that most employed people seem to have that you are doing the company a favour by sticking by them, why if you hate the firm so much?

Alternatively get stuck in with a positive attitude and learn something else, like i said another string to your bow.

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As Ian-cant says, I agree with some of your points Stal. But through this forum and others you always moan about this and that at the great Initial empire and yet you are still there. From my point of view all you want to do is try and stir things up. If things are not to your liking move else where. Most National companies are all the same just different logos colour etc etc.

cheers Kev

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Fire over the years has predominantly been the domain of the electrical contractor. This I suggest is inherent from the days where systems were low voltage (240v) The problem in recent years is that the intelligent control panels and the ease of using PVC/ Rubber type cables arriving on to the market, has opened fire to the less skilled individuals. Now before everyone takes offence let me just say it takes at least 5 years to train a competent electrician and only 2 years for a security engineer (or 5 days if the training courses are to be believed) BUT I believe electricians should install and intruder should maintain, the latter is more effective in so much as maintenance. If Initial are asking their intruder guys to maintain this is surely a sensible move which will save a considerable amount of money.


Why do I think I might have to defend this post, maybe I will start to write a new subject about the difference between working for a living (self-employed) and being in business


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I believe electricians should install and intruder should maintain, the latter is more effective in so much as maintenance

If you saw some of the jobs i've been to that electricians have 'installed' you would probably change your mind. Sure i know there are those out there that are fully conversant with installing intruder, but the general attitude i get from electricians is ' oh your job is so easy, just a few little wires chucked here and there, i could do it with my eyes closed'. Which is clearly what some of them do, then they have to call us in to sort out the mess.

Mark Hawks

Ex BT Openreach Field Service

Now Self employed telecom and data engineer  www.mphtelecom.co.uk 

Also back doing sub contract work in the security industry.

Retained firefighter Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue

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Agree with your observation but the same should be said for some alarm guys.

I couldnt agree more, you wouldnt believe some of the sights ive seen during my 10 years, sadly it seems most of the installs i see have something wrong with them, or maybe im just too much of a perfectionist.

Mark Hawks

Ex BT Openreach Field Service

Now Self employed telecom and data engineer  www.mphtelecom.co.uk 

Also back doing sub contract work in the security industry.

Retained firefighter Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue

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