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Hey Peeps


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I'm easy going I just don't suffer fools.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


My vetting was accepted last Thursday, said I can view the trade forum in a few days yet i still cant? Any ideas?



As I understand it Matt is doing the graft then passes the request to update those that pass to admin who can  access the a/c settings.

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God



And a superb job he's doing might I add.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


As I understand it Matt is doing the graft then passes the request to update those that pass to admin who can access the a/c settings.



And a superb job he's doing might I add.

Compliments. What's the catch?

Half a job, Brough?

I think you'll find he got his vetting processed considerably quicker than the old system. The rules say it can take weeks to complete the process however I did it in hours rather than weeks.



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