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Help! How To Disable The Phone Alarm (Fault) On A Menvier Ts690


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(Topic should say phone "line detection" not "alarm")


Hi folks,


We have an alarm system with a TS690 panel. We don't typically arm the system, but we want to.


After a system reset yesterday, it's developed a phone line fault (the phone connection was actually lost a while ago) and now it's beeping every minute or so. :-(


This very old message suggests it's possible to *disable* the phone line detection.




“Whilst you can't reprogram the 690 to ignore batt faults (or any other kind of fault except phone line)”


Anyone know how to do this please? Can I (end user) to it, or is it engineer only?


Also, I belive the battery is dead (cause of fault?).


What battery do I need to replace it?


(Oh, and I've read that a battery isn't actually needed. So what does it do exactly?!)


Programming changes are done with the engineer codes and the battery is there so that the system works when the power is lost.



IIRC all you can do with a 690 is increase the timer for the line fault reporting to its max 199 mins ?

after 199 mins of there being no line it will beep,

condition of battery will have no effect on the telephone line monitoring

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God


Many thanks, gents - very much appreciated. What are my options here then?


Didn't want to make the first post too confusing, but the full story is...


* Alarm hasn't been used for years

* We are considering using it/getting a maintenance contract

* Panel had been showing nonsense on display

* A consultant came around yesterday and reset the system - the screen cleared all okay

* ... but panel shows a "Phone line fault" and system was beeping

* Consultant stopped the beeping

* Beeping started again later in the day (after 199min, I guess?)


Haven't decided about the maintenance contract yet. We're not flush at the moment, so it might be something we postpone until the Winter.


Regardless, could really do with sorting this while we think about.


What options do we have? Any way of stopping the beeping OR disabling the system completely?


Chances are your panel is a TS690M (M for modem as it is fitted with the digicom module.)

9/10 this module just plugs into the mainboard via a header. Thus, one easy way to stop the fault is to isolate the mains to the panel (probably can't explain how to do this due to forum rules) and ensure the panel is dead by using a multimeter or voltage tester. Then unplug the digicom module (the engineers manual will show you where it is if you cannot locate it, unfortunately I or other users cannot share that with you unless you are in the trade section, which I am not.) from the main panel. Restore mains to the panel and it should clear the fault.

Obviously, if you do not feel competent enough, or do not want to do it in fear of mucking it up (very small chance, but still) please consult a reputable alarm company in your area (preferably NSI or SSAIB certified)




Hi there. Thank you VERY much for this. (Appreciate there are rules around advice to non-pros.)


I'm confident about doing this - the consultant had the lid off the unit in front of me yesterday, and I have a schematic so I know where the module is.


(Also, if we do sign up for any kind of maintenance contract, we don't want the phone option)


Can I just confirm that removing the modem module definitely stops the unit polling for a phone line?


Also, am I right in thinking that I need the engineer code to open the unit, or I'll get a tamper alert? (Will obviously check it's the default code before opening)




Oh, and one more question (sorry):


Earlier post said "battery is there so that the system works when the power is lost."


At present, if power is down, the alarm sounds anyway.


Is the only benefit of a battery that you can turn the alarm off when there's a power cut?


Thanks so much for help.

  On 02/07/2014 at 14:55, wozza said:

Hi there. Thank you VERY much for this. (Appreciate there are rules around advice to non-pros.)


I'm confident about doing this - the consultant had the lid off the unit in front of me yesterday, and I have a schematic so I know where the module is.


(Also, if we do sign up for any kind of maintenance contract, we don't want the phone option)


Can I just confirm that removing the modem module definitely stops the unit polling for a phone line?


Also, am I right in thinking that I need the engineer code to open the unit, or I'll get a tamper alert? (Will obviously check it's the default code before opening)

If the digicom isn't fitted then it can't use a phone line full stop :)

And to answer your tamper question, yes, logging into the engineer menu will usually disable tampers until you log out of engineers. As long as the panel is programmed to allow user resets (Option 10 in Eng Menu 1, Menvier default value for this is Yes) then if the panel sounds due to tamper, enter your regular user code or the engineer code to silence it and then when you have finished your work, ensuring the panel lid is on securely, reset the system.

However, in this case, we are powering down the panel to remove the digicom so as long as the panel has no power tampers will not occur. Please also be aware that by removing power to the panel, your bell box (external sounder) May still sound from using its battery. You will need to take precautions against this such as warning neighbours, using the engineers hold off pins etc, found in your bell box engineering manual.




To answer your battery question, chances are your system hasn't had a replacement battery fitted in the panel within the past five years. If the panel has a battery which cannot supply it with enough power, it will sound internally and externally when mains is lost. If the battery is still in good condition (batteries should be replaced every 3 to 5 years) then it should be able to supply the panel with the required power it needs. On Menviers, if the battery is still good, a power cut will trigger the 'Mains power off' fault and the mains light will blink on the keypad and the system will do a short beep every 60 seconds or so. When you carry out removing the digicom, it will be a good idea to replace the battery too. Get a new battery which is the same rating and size as the old one (the battery rating will be in amp hours or A h)


Just read the label on the old battery and get a new one with the same, or higher Amphour rating)



Is the only benefit of a battery that you can turn the alarm off when there's a power cut?

No, the main reason for it is that if there is a power cut in the area, or an intruder manages to cut the power to your house (especially if the incoming electricity supply and meter is outside your house), then the alarm will still function whether it is set or unset, making your property less vulnerable during a power cut, so long as the system is set. A dead giveaway of this in your area is that if there is a power cut and alarms start blaring. It's because the backup batteries are old, dead and need replacing.

Any panel that has a good, working battery fitted should never sound during a power cut.


I think it's battery as said above or something else,,,,

setting to 199 on this panel disables the line fault so can't be that if that's already been done


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