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Tamper alarm

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Adrian do any of your guys use "The Son of Checkmate" ??? Was wondering cus its less than 1/2 the price of the wireless version.

Also why not do a review on the Checkmate you have used...?


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)


B) Well Dave it may be half the price, looks great for domestics (small domestics)

But most of the take overs I get involved with are rather large and a speaker on the end of a 40ft cable would not help when the panel is in the loft and you have faulty cable 40meters away by the back door.

If you are mostly involved with your 2 up 2 down the it is a good cheaper option.

Think of this do you realy want a cable trailing around the landing down the stairs and across loads of door ways for the customer to trip over, (not a nice thought is it!)

I'll consider doing a review on the checkmate after I use it next its been a while since I last had it on the van.

Adrian B)


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