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Csl Dualcom Digiair Gprs


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"make an offer" is there an option for a balloon on a stick?

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


tbf the Abel bell's worth £200

...and it comes pre-wired

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


Lol. Did I say I found a quite nice ADT bell (and a galaxy panel...!?) abandoned behind my customers house a few months back, should have ebayed it, mongs go crazy over them.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands



interesting,Hietel, the wankshed arc is probally a little more robust than most, would I be able to flood a ******* arc by sending a routine call every 1min ?Today I was playing with a smartdisc 10 (my own ;)) anybody got the settings to put a **** adata ip cam on it ?

Not really. You'd need a lot of them sending continuous calls to really cause a problem.



Hi, really good topic and thought I would confirm a few points. Firstly @ datadiffusion - your Gemini Insight login details have been emailed to you - sorry for any delay. We have tried to make DigiAir as straightforward to install as possible and before launching the product we had field trials which also included feedback on the install guide which led us to keep it to what was needed to carry out the install. We do however value any feedback as to where improvements can be made. 


We can provide spare hardware only as per the GradeShift range to help should you have an issue with an existing unit but new orders for new installs need to be ordered and delivery is next day.


We are able to provide 24 hours tech support and if anyone feels they have a requirement then please email me and I will contact you to discuss further #see sig


DigiAir has proved to be an excellent addition to the DualCom product range and next month we will also have be launching UDL capability and again should anyone require any further information then please feel free to contact me.






We have tried to make DigiAir as straightforward to install as possible

I'd say you have achieved your goal. It has been noticeable that when installing these units, the engineers manage it without having to phone.



Today I was playing with a smartdisc 10 (my own ;)) anybody got the settings to put a **** adata ip cam on it ?


Maybe worth a split topic but have you tried the "unknown" option


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