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Viewing Dvrs Across A Network On A Mac


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I have around 20 customers with DVRs that need access to their DVRs via Macs.  I normally go the virtual machine way so they can access them that way.


I'm looking for a multi DVR compatable piece of software capable of all the normal features you would find in Windows software.  I normally install Alien DVRs from SystemQ but also have several Vectus & Spro-1 DVRs from Luxrite out there in the field.


I've tried a few different software applications so far to no success...


There is a Vectus Mac viewer but it's a bit limited, I'm after a full Windows replacement...


Anyone know of anything suitable?  cheers all.


alien DVRs are essentially rebranded hikvision DVRs with slightly different firmware. use hikvision and they have mac software :)


thats iphone ipad etc not mac pc?

Theres another program by goolink I dont have the disc here as I dont have a mac


alien DVRs are essentially rebranded hikvision DVRs with slightly different firmware. use hikvision and they have mac software :)

IVMS for Mac works with the alien DVRs

Alien CCTV window doesn't work with the HIKs tho.


cheers guys, just downloading & installing the iVMS software, I'll report back with functionality...


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