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Hd-Sdi Camera Not Displaying On Dvr


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Need a bit of help, I purchased a hd-sdi camera to see what is quality was like, I did get a hd-sdi to hdmi converter but it didn't work so I purchased a dvr to check the camera but it only displays a load of coloured lines across the channel 1 box, I have spoke to the shop who I bought the dvr from and he said I have to adjust the camera settings on the little joystick attached to the camera but how can I do this if I cant see what it says on the screen.


I don't know if the dvr is **** or the camera is playing up, any help would be much appreciated?





Well that's what I was worried about the box does not say it is hd-sdi except for a sticker on the side of it but the shop said it is definitely a hd-sdi dvr. If I press the setup jotstick on the camera I can make out some of the words on the setup menu as it flashes but not well enough to mess with, the bloke from the shop said something about frame rate and adjusting the camera frame rate to suit the dvr? does that sound right? 


What happens if connect the analogue output of the camera direct to a monitor?

To many typos

I meant "what happens if you....."


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