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Control Panel With Continuous Event Log Feed


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This is an obscure requirement... don't be confused... it's not an ordinary question!


I currently have a Scantronic 9850 installation.


It's...  Internal & External Sounders, 5 PIR, Viper and Magnetic door swich on entry/exit and keypad by front door.


This installation works well, has been in place for several years, but being an electronic engineer(!) I would like to refresh the system.


In particular I would like to install a panel which has a serial/ttl output that provides a continuous event log of at least open, close, tamper on all circuits and potentially set and unset events.  I would need the open/close events even when the system was not set. The 9850 stores an event history but this is only available on demand.


Is there an 8 zone wired panel that can provide a continuous event log at either RS232 or TTL level?


I plan to use the logged event output for some home automation.


Thanks in advance




The alternative is to build a 'front-end' to take the circuits at the control panel and then emulator these into the regular inputs... but that seems like alot of wasted effort if such a panel already exists.




The Scantronic iOn 30 has a TTL interface (hidden in the custom pins) but I believe it will not talk until it thinks it's talking to a recognised module.


Similarly, not sure if the Texecom Premier will output plain data without handshaking with a known module first.

The Scantronic iOn 30 has a TTL interface (hidden in the custom pins) but I believe it will not talk until it thinks it's talking to a recognised module.


Similarly, not sure if the Texecom Premier will output plain data without handshaking with a known module first.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands



I looked up the i-on30EX info... Looks like it has a connector CON7 which exposes state... e.g. Alarm, Tamper etc.   There is also an RS485 interface... but no definition of its use.


I also found an add-on Ethernet Communicator for the i-on30 but it is £££


Ideally I wouldn't do anything clever to the control panel... just consume a serial log of events... in exactly the same way a control panel might send the log to a printer but on a continuous basis.

Oooo....Texecom Premier
"13 - Offline Printing
If a printer is plugged onto the control panel, nothing will be printed unless a printout is requested (see page 112 for details).
Online Printing
If a printer is plugged onto the control panel, anything that is logged in the event log is also printed at the same time."
Now that looks hopeful.  Thanks for the pointer, I have not come across those before.
Do you think it would log open/close/tamper even when not set?

there are some panels that will do this depending on what service you buy from the installer or monitoring company, better to drop the ion range now dont you think DD? (lol)


I think the issue you will have is the real-time nature of the information you need. The standard alarm panels will pass events to printers/ARC's Etc. but they are normally serial and too slow to make real-time automation responses.


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