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Control Panel With Continuous Event Log Feed


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On the Galaxy G3 and Dimension you can hook up to the onboard RS232, configure online print (option 28/29?) and you're good to go. The panel will assume is taking to a serial printer and output a text description of open/close etc. Stick it through a level converter toa Raspberry PI. Job done.


Sorry, disregard what I said. I took open/close to mean in the SIA sense, not in the unset/set sense. Nope, the Galaxy won't log individual zone activations to a serial printer except when set.


Thanks for all the responses.  Looks like the texecom premier might be the device of choice then, particularly as it looks like the Galaxy won't send events for zone intrusion when not set.


My project was to feed all these events into a unsupervised learning model and then classify the events by time, day of week etc to notify of possible intrusions when unset.  It was just a pet project after having done some work in Machine Learning.  (Automation in the notification sense hence no need for bags of relays  :) )


So now I know how... the next question is... can I really be bothered to rip out my Scantronic panel and rewire it all!


Thanks again


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