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Security Installer Community

Hiya All

Dawn Merrett

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Hiya all


Ive joined this site because I was looking for some help.

I was searching through google and you looked like the best site to use

I dont know if I can put my query on here.

Well Ill put it on here if its wrong sorry

I have a eurosec CP8L LCD alarm,

weve had a new front door put on and the people that fitted the front door

didnt know how to put the alarm back on

so at mo the cables are taped together,

could someone tell me how to put it back on the door so it works

or is there a video that shows you how to do it,

would be very gratefull for any help





Hi Dawn


Its not quite as simple as someone telling you how to do it, that particular panel can be wired a couple ways. Then you would also need to know what colours were used.


Is the original contact still attached to the wire if so take a picture and upload it. If not I would suggest calling the installer, because although its not impossible to tell you how to do it remotely it could get messy





Im going to get in touch with the person that put it in

I dont want to break or do something wrong

I thought I might be able to do it

but its way over my head

sounds complicated 

again thanx for your help




Fair enough Dawn, and if you can't get hold of them for any reason, you can always come back here and we might be able to recommend someone?


Good luck!

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands



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