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How To Connect Texecom Exodus Smoke Detector To Honeywell Accenta G4


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C is not strictly 'no connection'.


It is actually a 'normally open' circuit off the relay that for some reason isn't marked as such.


Or at least it always was when I last checked years ago.


Hence this could cause problems if being used as a resistor common etc...

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands



C is not strictly 'no connection'.


It is actually a 'normally open' circuit off the relay that for some reason isn't marked as such.


Or at least it always was when I last checked years ago.


Hence this could cause problems if being used as a resistor common etc...

I don't believe this is the case any more. I have used this for EOL wiring.


Thanks that seems straight forward enough.

The chap from the electrical wholesalers seem to rate them and apparently a good seller. Had a look online too and appear to get good feedback.

I suppose as long it does its job what more can you ask from smoke detector !

Well, intruder alarms aren't exactly designed to be fire alarms.

It's normally best to fit mains interlinked in this situation.

Don't get me wrong they work well but it's not the best method for quite a few reasons.

Hence comments above...


I don't believe this is the case any more. I have used this for EOL wiring.


You could well be right - last time I actually put my meter on it was about 2004 I think!

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands



Newbies gotta learn from somewhere... give us a break guys  :teehee:

Could not agree more, but how to wire the device to your chosen panel are in the manuals for both products


Could not agree more, but how to wire the device to your chosen panel are in the manuals for both products


I know but sometimes manuals are still not great and getting your head round it all can be confusing !


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