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Missing RIO 102


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Hi everyone,


First time I've posted so not really sure what I'm doing. 


I have a galaxy 2-44 that I fitted about two years ago. It's been no trouble up until about a month ago when user said that when he set it, it told him that RIO102 was missing. He bypassed it to set the alarm. By the time I got to have a look at at, everything was fine. I checked the cables, voltage, zone resistance etc but I could find nothing wrong. 

Last week it dropped out in the middle of the night and the dialler called the key holder. Again, no fault could be found when I looked at it. Last night it dropped out 3 times. I'm at a bit of a loss as to what could be causing this. Faulty expander?


If anyone can shed a little light on this I would be most grateful.

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Thanks for the speedy reply james.wilson. When you say a copy of the log, do you want me to list it out or is there some way I can get it off the system? There's no ethernet connection so I don't think I can download it. 

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Ok that's fine. No modem in use, it uses an external dialler so here it is:


17:58  Full set

00:27  +Missing Rio 102

00:28  -Missing Rio 102

00:29  +Missing Rio 102

00:29  -Missing Rio 102

00:57  Rearm G_ _ _

01:04  +Missing Rio 102

01:04  -Missing Rio 102

01:04  +Missing Rio 102

01:34  Rearm G_ _ _

05:57  -Missing Rio 102

05:58  +Missing Rio 102

06:00  -Missing Rio 102

06:28  Rearm G_ _ _

07:40  Unset


Hope that helps. 

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There's a point in there that the RIO drops out for a few hours - I would suspect power or a failing part.


Check under diagnostics for the RIO - voltage and comm's.   Press the hash key.  Also check the voltage at the RIO with a meter. 

If there's some sort of power issue (sometimes caused by battery), then some devices will show issues before others.


If everything looks okay, then start eliminating by swapping the RIO first.  They are normally very reliable though!

Edited by GalaxyGuy
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Hi Galaxyguy, 


Thanks for your input. I just went to check the things you said and low and behold, I caught it in the act. The comm's had dropped to 000% and the LED in the Rio had started flashing the 'lost communication' code. I checked the voltage across the DO - DI terminals and I was getting 5-6v. I thought that was low but then the unit re-established comm's and the voltage didn't change. Do you know what voltage I should be getting? It's the same output at the main board too. 

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I meant the 12V power supply.  The RS485 lines are differential pair data, so can change voltage depending on traffic, but the fact you were reading a voltage would suggest some traffic on the bus when the system is failing. When you read these signals, it's best to read each voltage with respect to ground.  If there is traffic at the terminals at the RIO, and other devices on the bus (keypad) are not showing any issues, then you still could have a power supply issue at the RIO or a faulty RIO.

Edited by GalaxyGuy
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Ah, ok, that makes sense. I checked the power supply at the same time and it was reading 12.3-12.6. It fluctuated between those two. It was the same when it was in communication and when not. Certainly no faults at the keypads or anywhere else that I can see. Is this pointing toward a dodgy Rio do you think? 

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