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oh dear so you have the alarm red and black and tamper blue and yellow into the same terminals, how long were you in the industry?




as I said, I spoke to texecom and they told me that this was how it should be wired, maybe something was lost in translation and it didnt look right to me. I've been out of the industry for 5 years and tbh. As soon as you mentioned the tamper being in a separate zone I knew that was the issue. Going to the site tomorrow and changing it out. Thanks for your help folks.


it doesn't make it any easier when the keypads and expanders have two for alarm and two for tamper and the 24 and the wireless panels just have the 2 terminals.


exactly my thought as well. It also doesn't help that there is no kind of wiring diagram apart from the eol and double pole terminations for the system. I knew it would be something extremely simple. Being out of the industry for so long doesn't help either. I'll be using the last two as a global tamper and hopefully that should cure it. Thanks again for your help.


I would go eol to be honest, if the detectors don't have resistor the kit comes with 2k2 and 4k7 and 3k3, you can use the 2k2(eol) and 4k7(alarm), or 3k3 for both and wiring type would be double pole/eol, rather then wiring type as normally closed as you have suggested.

then you are looking at a tamper you are only looking at one device.



Thanks for the photo, I did wonder if that was what you had done when you said the wiring colours, Sometimes a pic says a thousand words :oops:



      On ‎07‎/‎05‎/‎2016 at 3:48 PM, Phuddy48 said:

maybe something was lost in translation 

I imagine so, how long were you 'in' the industry






I was 'IN' the industry for 10 years but my main focus was CCTV systems, usually Adpro set up's, and Access Control (mainly BPT or FAAC traffic barrier systems). I only ever did very small alarm systems and used the Veritas range with no problems at all, thanks for asking though. I haven't had chance to go back to the site yet but thank you all for your help I will be changing the configuration to EOL on my next visit. (this is a secondary to a much larger project where I am installing the CCTV and Access Control for the site. As I say this is a secondary that i'm putting in as a courtesy for a very big client. Thank you all again and if I need any more help I'll be using this forum again.



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