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Gym Membership Access Control System


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Hello everyone,


I currently have a problem when people are using the gym facilities without paying their fees.


The main issue we've got is that the gym have grown in size which has created a blind spot to the reception area thus allowing people to sneak in. 


Its only one door that requires access control.


I've seen DIY kits that can be bought on eBay but they are standalone systems that would need to be programmed at the door.


Also there is four levels of membership


1, daily


2, weekly


3, Monthly 


4, Annually 


Does anyone have any advice?











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1 hour ago, NWR said:

Do you have any links to the systems please? 


Single door kit is cira £350+vat which is the cheaper end for access control,


You'll then need a lock a PC, a token for every user & a what ever time it takes to get it all working,


good luck



Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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2 hours ago, NWR said:

Hello everyone,


I currently have a problem when people are using the gym facilities without paying their fees.


The main issue we've got is that the gym have grown in size which has created a blind spot to the reception area thus allowing people to sneak in. 


Its only one door that requires access control.


I've seen DIY kits that can be bought on eBay but they are standalone systems that would need to be programmed at the door.


Also there is four levels of membership


1, daily


2, weekly


3, Monthly 


4, Annually 


Does anyone have any advice?











If your looking on ebay already you cant afford the kit I would advise, as others have said PC based with anti pass back expect to pay circa £1k per door installed

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Axis 1000 unit would be good for online 3rd party integration with membership etc... but no doubt it's all been done before

and most gym memberhship software supports a certain manf's gear?


For a gym, I wouldn't be honest be too bothered about anti passback unless a completely unattended situation.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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