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I’ve just been browsing some members web site (for inspiration) were playing with ours at the moment, and the first one i read was His Web Page to be honest im shocked at the claims of some supposed installers.

let me know which claims you think are true.

i don’t think the guy will mind some helpful advice if he reads enough. Who knows may be another national. Oh sorry done that one.,


PS no slating mine until i think it ready. But i aint finished reading.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah I have visited quite a few sites, but to be honest it was just to check they were actually there.. Didn`t want any unsavoury sites getting listed..:)

Also its not a great idea to start a topic in "Security INSTALLERS" except for a new listing, no member can reply to your post there except me so I moved this into its current forum.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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I wanted to reply to this when it was first posted, but couldn't for the reason detailed by Service Engineer above.

What really irks me is the number of accrediting organisatoins which a company can choose to belong to.

The UK Trades Confederation says of its members "... we hold no liability in any way for their actions and are in no way connected to them. "

The Guild of Master Craftsmen. Nothing on their website contains information for the public - they only give details on how membership benefits members. Take a look at This company for an example of their membership. (The company in question is an EXPERT retailer of dummy Bell-Boxes)

The membership means absolutely NOTHING, but you get a nice crest which you can display on you van, letterhead etc. There is NO additional protection for consumers at all. Surely genuine governing bodies, NSI, SSAIB should highlight the advantages of dealing with a genuine accredited company? (Something for IAIN to discuss...)

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IAIN would be happy of this to be discussed within our trade only private forums, if there is enough interest from the membership, we will lobby the inpectorates and government to improve the situation, and promoting awareness to the Public.

Please start the topic off within the IAIN Forums

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Where do you see the main benefits of having your own websites. I often get alarm installers and electricians asking me if they should get their own website to increase their business and I am dubious of recommending using a website as a means of getting new business.

A website adds value to your business, gives a professional appearence (if done well) and gives you the opportunity to describe what is good about your business but does anyone get regular new business through it?

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A website adds value to your business, gives a professional appearence (if done well) and gives you the opportunity to describe what is good about your business but does anyone get regular new business through it?

YES :yes:

There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.

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does anyone get regular new business through it?


We launched a web page a number of years ago using the Monitored Home Alarm idea that //.National Installer.// were using. As a buisness we are ex directory and this was our only advertising. The revenue from that WWW page alone is currently worth £70,000 Per Annum. Does it work. The rest of our web page is used as a brochure or reference this is a massive saving on printing costs as well as being versitile.



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We launched a web page a number of years ago using the Monitored Home Alarm idea that //.National Installer.// were using. As a buisness we are ex directory and  this was our only advertising. The revenue from that WWW page alone is currently worth £70,000 Per Annum. Does it work. The  rest of our web page is used as a brochure or reference this is a massive saving on printing costs as well as being versitile. 



Just had a look at your website , which straight away lured me in to having a quick look around , quick look at prices, get a feel for the company, etc, etc. Your website looks like something that has been refined and tuned along the way to arrive at the current site. Nice job.

So a well done website can work for installers and contractors as well, I'll pass that on the next time I get asked. For me a website is like anything else in business, you get out of it as much as you put in, generally if you pay someone on the cheap and don't put much time in yourself you don't get much back, but visa versa, the rewards can be large if the time is put in.

The reason I was dubious is that I would always use personal recommendation in choosing a tradesperson of any type. But maybe I'm thinking about much smaller jobs than some of you are tackling on here.

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The reason I was dubious is that I would always use personal recommendation in choosing a tradesperson of any type.  But maybe I'm thinking about much smaller jobs than some of you are tackling on here.


I have worked for companies in the past that have got £100k contracts on recommendation. I think the main difference is that on a small job you'll generally be called in to do the job but on the larger ones you're still required to put a tender in.

I'm a bit middle grounded on the website front, I view ours, (when it's done that is!), as a place for further information, which may or may not lead to work, in a similar sense to a flyer enclosed in the local paper.

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