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Democracy is all about keeping as many people happy as possible, we have arguably a better system over here.

We vote in representatives that we believe align with our view of fairness and they discuss and vote on topics and if required provide regulations and a small amount of laws to keep the majority consistent.

Over there they have the Amendments these are impossible to change this means more of there systems start to be proped up with law which is a less ideal way to solve democratic issues it divides more people.


Being impeached wouldn't help IMO it would just mean they have an angry snake in office with no venom. Even then it's down to a vote at the Senate a long winded process from what I gather.

You also have the issue that when things become dealt with by law they are often the person with the best legal team that wins not necessarily the outcome the majority would want.

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22 hours ago, sixwheeledbeast said:


Vietnam War? London Plague? Spanish Flu? It's pretty normal to have these colloquial names for things.

Obviously there's some Chinese agenda with Trump but even so it's nothing compared to the Italian Northern Leagues comments

Much as I would agree, this virus has a name Covid 19 the name of this topic is Covid 19 everyone apart from Trump refers to it as Covid 19 but Trump has an alterio motive for calling it the China Virus.

There were reports on the European news this morning that it may not have originated in Wuhan , but was carried by foreigner's in to the country.

They also reckon that many people that have been tested for it had it and didnt know they had it, in Italy they say many that have tested positive showed no symptoms at all and have still not got ill.

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Like many things in life they have many names. This topic has two names due to it being split... "Trump"

COVID-19  ... Wuhan pneumonia ... SARS-COV2 ...  nCOV19

All of the news in America have been calling it Wuhan Flu and Chinese Coronavirus for the last view months, if Trump changes his tune now they think it's something else...

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  • 4 years later...
On 25/03/2020 at 09:58, MrHappy said:


I think he's ace..... the unwashed had protest in the city center when he won


err,  he's 3 thousands miles away on different continent & your not a citizen who could vote in his election


f'kin idoits 

Spot on, the world will be a better place with a president with balls, instead of having to toe the woke narrative. 


World politics need changing.



How's that for a come back post! 🙂



Hope everyone is doing ok? (Irrespective of political views).

On 26/03/2020 at 11:54, james.wilson said:

i thought it started in china?


It did.



Fact checked.

On 27/03/2020 at 13:07, MrHappy said:


he's already an orangery peachy colour ?


& the best president ever !


I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.

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1 hour ago, james.wilson said:

I'm a fan. This will help him. But why can't we disagree without wanting to kill the other side

I agree,



Loads of talk about Trump inciting violence, but so does Biden, especially his team and definitely the establishment.

I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.

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